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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i will laugh with him when forum will be full protected
  2. When replying at report topics made by others, definitely not anyway, i guess he made a topic that i missed?:D
  4. Πραγματικα δουλευει σε IL , χωρις πλακα xd
  5. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206646.0;topicseen Dev help gr+ leave redirection http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206645.0;topicseen Junk http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206651.0;topicseen Bots en
  6. Sometimes it isn't funny
  7. morning
  8. since you fixed it, locked.
  9. Ξερεις πολυ καλα,οτι δεν ειναι ολοι ιδιοι. Και οτι πολλοι κανουν emoquit κανοντας delete shares κτλπ (πχ φαντασου αν ο Coyote [ενα παραδειγμα]δεν ηταν Legendary τι θα γινοτανε ^^) σε αυτην την λογικη το στηριζω αυτο Στα share sections, ετσι πρεπει να πηγαινει
  10. αποκαλυφθηκα
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206594.0 8)
  12. It's actually the file 'i' did today (actually HeRaCleS , the whole thing goes to him) What i mean by the topic title?? This: Here is the armorgrp , though it has dynasty armors inside,as well :) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P38AUM4T You can get this and edit yours http://www.4shared.com/document/M_bmfy14/new__1.html Hope you like this, like i do :)
  13. A really big thanks to HeRaCleS that helped me. He gave me some shits to copy paste in there,i got problem even there..client modding isn't for me :) but anyway, finally Locked. :)
  14. locked then.If you have any problems in there, PM me to unlock it
  15. Δεν ξερω,ψαξε ^^
  16. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=204680.0
  17. Αφου ειναι τοσο dead τοτε το αρχειο που χρειαζεσαι θα το εβλεπες στην 1η σελιδα,υποθετω..
  18. wrd δες λιγο develop/l2general sections, εχει καποια wrong section
  19. And? Should i give 40 euro for LOL? How many skins can i buy?
  20. αυτο λεω 1 maxtor 1 warmaster 1 raule 1 more
  21. I got lost in there :( Can someone do it?plx http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LU4J75W0 Human male DC robe ->DC light
  22. Finito, Zake, *NeverMore*, ĐαяқSLaYєЯ (+ 3 Hidden) and 5 Guests are viewing this topic. 4 hidden online xd
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