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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. NOW
  2. ASAP
  3. They are 1 2 3 4 5 6 and you can change them IG, LOL
  4. mid vs kassadin and totally fed tryndamere and retarded GP feeding singed wat?
  5. Just had my worst ever lol match(ranked one) Last pick is for mid, and the poland retard picks Master Yi. Goes down, feeds the lane, i went mid with Vayne and couldnt stand Kassadin, and eventually a fed kassadin/trynda pwn us all awesome?
  6. He never scams advertising donations. About everything else..
  7. actually belzebul's was locked cause it was kinda outdated, this is OVER outdated :P
  8. All this time? Some items at the guide dont exist anymore Screenshots are BEFORE season 1 And english at the guide are PERFECT , and yours suck. So dont come and tell me, that u made it.
  9. ye, copy/paste from an ancieeeent guide lol
  10. The last one should be a new skin.
  11. or we can make a new website and put the event there, and advertise it here and some other forums ;)
  12. The reply i was sent, when i tried to do something like this in past also some forum rewards, its gonna be k
  13. nah they give but they want tournament to be advertised atleast a month or so before
  14. Attack speed marks Yellow runes for Armor Health(to make ur jungle easier) or Movement quint about the other, sec
  15. for example a jungle rune page is quite cheap ^^
  16. Who told you that you have reduced prices event runes for all page? Only for the bigs, and some of them..
  17. Armor pen x3 and speed ones x3
  18. maxtor is able to send PM to all members spamming for that fail dominion lol
  19. 19:39? haha at ~1500 elo kewl
  20. in a topic at 'offtopics' maxtor said you tried to scam him, with making a disput at paypal
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