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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Very good idea already done ;)
  2. Online NoSti* 16:46:48 Sending a message. Propably for what i said above Maxtor can u give my vip status to NoSti account? and delete my account xD
  3. that girl stole that acc and member of staff czechgamers that girl that was telling us that she would make us gm at czechgamers etc
  4. Good job big boy. Now go tell your mama about your big accomplishment to spam at EN Spam section with shit songs that you only like in here and leave us alone
  5. χρήστης Veronica Suffler λέει: translate me something on greek pls Ο χρήστης ®Petros™xD λέει: ? Ο χρήστης Veronica Suffler λέει: Greek: Maxtor can u give my vip status to NoSti account? and delete my account on greek please
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/sensationvideo?blend=1&ob=4#p/c/3E0D452BF7D91223/0/aBIsCrz8Vr0 w0w just perfect
  7. Αbout accounts,only Maxtor can help u For announcements for care or something like that,w8 a mod
  8. some ppl have access to stop him too much easier gr spam topic is a mess,over 5-6 ppl are telling him to stop,he is just an idiot that wanna makes us crazy..like a 5 year old child If he won't be punished,i will do exactly the same in biggest range
  9. lol not unban before accounts go back to their real owners
  10. man undertand this u are annoying
  11. we don't have clear proofs for these... but AT LEAST MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT to users to be careful when registering to such kind of websites ,like using different username passwork that MxC account
  12. he stole me an acc to L2MxC for a fake AIO then she told me to make gm in czechgamers ( :o )
  13. czechgamers.net I made a bot account to see if they will steal it-nothing happened still now but let's wait
  14. check ur topic(spam) IronMaiden is really annoying from 60 posts the 40 are his and 39 are videos check last 5 pages..(if you wanna)
  15. ED here?
  16. and it's not only Nosti* 's account beeing stolen ,many others have been stolen too(propably from this site-Check BlackDevil `willowy celkotm etc)
  17. that's my way in L2 but in forums not Especcialy in this,this acc was going to be non-posting shared so we put a shitty username(easy to quick type ) so i will never use it anywhere else,so GG ;)
  18. this must be happening from website not IG anyway,everyone should //care and put different Username or Password whereever he registers at Internet
  19. worse than every other time annoying vuvuzelas even ball is not good
  20. tell members here to don't register there with the same acc/psw with here
  21. Chucky i think the staff of Czechgamers are stealing accs via their registering panel cz this guy has also stole BlackDevil `Willowy,a donator's acc(don't remember)and now Celko and Nosti* and all these steals from a member of Czechgamers team-who after that spamms about Czechgamers(advertising)Also if Celko tells that acc was stolen after registration in czechgamers,they will have a problem
  22. Nosti* there are 2 possibilities someone saw ur e-mail while registering czechgamers or they have a scamming engine i am now testing 2nd with bot acc
  23. don't care ^^ :P PS:go register an acc to czechgamers with the same username/pass with here.We want to check something :D (PS at PS:)don't do that
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