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Posts posted by Dir50

  1. I know is the same , as I am talking haven't u reported them , because of that?:) and he ignored you?:) I still have them on skype so if I blocked you because u insulted my family that's my personal thing , but I don't scamm , nevar:)

    I dont usually insult...


    Anyway. I am not here to fight with you or to support intheend.

    I just told you my expiriance.


  2. you're blocked because u insulted me on skype and u exchanged me that 155 psc in 102,50 euros as far as u remember , I will post the insults here , and I warned you that I will block you:)

    redit/Debit Card : MasterCard XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4894€100.35 EUR

    This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as

    [30/10/2012 17:42:17] *** Missed call from Psomasweb Net. ***

    [30/10/2012 19:13:20] Psomasweb Net: Okay

    [30/10/2012 19:13:24] Psomasweb Net: daughter slept?

    [30/10/2012 22:33:51] *** Ady blocked Psomasweb Net ***

    were something more about -beep-ing my daughter or smth like that but I can't find that:)

    Did I blocked any one?

    Yes you did.

    You forget quickly huh ?


    Also yes we had a trade but after i dont remember you scamed 100 or 120 euro an other guy and after blocked me.


    Well challenge you.

    A moderator will check my skype logs.

    If you have blocked me . You get banned!


  3. For me Amelie TRUSTED Guy its not Scammer.

    I tell you just what happened.

    He had scamed a past customer of mine 120 euros.

    And when i asked him/her why did he did it told me some shit and that i woke up her daughter and blocked me.

    Sounds logic.

  4. Did I blocked any one?:D Ok waiting for your message Psomas , if is about that 2 greece guys where I got scammed too , u have the situation on the hand and the money are back as far as I heard:)

    Why did you block me on skype them when i ask you why did you scam my customer?



  5. BnB cards wasn't they VPN?

    something like.

    I love how no one still on this forum - hasn't learned the basics of computing systems.



    The minimal gain you could achieve from this  - in circumstances where you have some cheapass vps for a l2j with limited resources - would be hardly offset from just getting a decent box with decent bandwidth.



    If it's locally resource based, adding more code\application to prioritize would only cause harm to the majority and help the minority.

    If it's cause your using a cheapass hoster with bad peering agreements - nothing you put on the damn server will fix the bad peering to users far away from the server physically.


    Short of Psomas somehow creating a Peering network for himself to act as a CDN\Proxy for users with bad peering to a server (That would require knowledge of decent TCP\IOCP mechanics to make it scale appropriately + a clustered server approach - which isn't gonna happen).


    Does no one grow older in this forum and learn more about how the internet works?

    You got it.

    Its a similar way like utorrent is working.

    There is not point to lose speed since there is a peer near to you.

    Also you gain something like direct conection to server so , your ping is like local-lan.

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