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Posts posted by Dir50

  1. haha, 0lag when I hear it, it's like you speaking of a lineage2 server... it's minecraft, small server with low a-beep-t of players :D


    I remember when minecraft was in open beta in 2009 and I used to play with some friends on my own freaking server :D we created some shit and we put much TNT around the shit we created and we hit it with  a shovel, and the damn thing went BOOM and the server frozen and died, RIP, had to restart the PC :D

    can you compare l2java noobish vps with a Psomasweb 10gbps machine? I dont think so.

    I've downloaded it. But, I don't get it.


    I can't see any .exe's nor java application.



    Is not .exe is .jar







    How much time did you spent to build this shit? xD



  2. After i saw things like :








    I thought that minecraft would be a game with pretty much fun.


    Anyway , i opened one server on a 10gbps Psomasweb server with 0 lag to be available to create whatever shit you want.



    You can download the game from here :



    When you login press : Multiplayer -> Join server or Direct connect ->

    Server address :



    waiting to see what bullshits you will make.

  3. u cant bypass fileice surveys !

    You think so...


    Btw opfiles.net (is like fileice but i do own it.)

    Of course there are ways to bypass the surveys.

  4. Twra kai 20 lepta prospa8w na kanw ena topic sto market.

    mia 8a mou pei oti to machine crashare.

    Mia 503 error.





    Kai alli mia oti to host den ixe arketi dinami gia na epeksergastei to smf to request.

    Anarotieme den exei to simpa8estato mixanima 500kb ram gia na stisei ena aplo topic me images?




  5. write on your browser bar :





    and after ":" this


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