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Everything posted by Amadeus

  1. Welcome! :))
  2. Welcome!
  3. Welcome! :)
  4. Welcome! Before you start read the rules! :) This is a great forum! Enjoy! :)
  5. Blood creek! :)
  6. Hello! Welcome! :)
  7. Thank you all!
  8. I play with duelist, because its an damage dealer on a heavy armor! My favourite class!
  9. Resident evil, evil dead, fear, doom, silent hill, left in the dark! Great games!
  10. WOw, i didn`t know that lineage3 will come out! Great news! Thank you!
  11. Hi! My name is Arthur! Im from Latvia! Im playing lineage about 4years! I have never before used hacks, but time changes! :) I really want to studdy some cheats on epilogue clients! Enchanting and stuff like that! Help me, teach me! If you can, please contact me! Thank you!
  12. Hello!
  13. Second Line Gaming Comunity Latvian RPG server! [Epilogue] (x5)Server rates: Xp:5 Sp:5 Drop:x6 Spoil:x6 Adena:x7 Enchanting: Safe enchant:+3 (+4) Enchant rate:66%(all scrools) Costom: TvT event Master Yogi staff event Delevel manager Leaderboard NPC Philosofers stone event Coin event PVP server under construction! (x555) Server website - http://l2.line2.lv/ Server forum - http://line2.lv/forums/ We are currently hosting 2 servers, one is for PvP lovers (Franz x555), the other one (Luna x5) is for people, who like to spend more time gathering items and skills, and enjoy the game to it's fullest. Join us and have fun!
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