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About adenaman

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  1. holy sh1t, you are so pr0!
  2. holy sh1t, you are so pr0!
  3. holy sh1t, you are so pr0!
  4. Find a team, at least the main members and then and only then think about the chronicle. Also there are already a pack of that chronicle (what ever you choose) so then next question that you need to ask is, what will ours have that the old one doesn't. That may be less bugs, more customs, more retail like, more plug and play system, better efficiency, ... If it is educational purpose, then how far do you want to go? just create the javadocs or remake the whole system, starting with diagrams of all types. But the main point to start is to find and organize a competitive team for your goals
  5. Find a team, at least the main members and then and only then think about the chronicle. Also there are already a pack of that chronicle (what ever you choose) so then next question that you need to ask is, what will ours have that the old one doesn't. That may be less bugs, more customs, more retail like, more plug and play system, better efficiency, ... If it is educational purpose, then how far do you want to go? just create the javadocs or remake the whole system, starting with diagrams of all types. But the main point to start is to find and organize a competitive team for your goals
  6. Find a team, at least the main members and then and only then think about the chronicle. Also there are already a pack of that chronicle (what ever you choose) so then next question that you need to ask is, what will ours have that the old one doesn't. That may be less bugs, more customs, more retail like, more plug and play system, better efficiency, ... If it is educational purpose, then how far do you want to go? just create the javadocs or remake the whole system, starting with diagrams of all types. But the main point to start is to find and organize a competitive team for your goals
  7. You can copy the Varka/Ketra system, if you add the Tryskell idea -100 to -20 = love completly Varka -20 to +20 = neutral +20 to 100 = love Ketra If you want any interface then it must be something like Comparable (or Comparator dont remmember now) but i dont think that you need it. if it is personal player based (love Dion or love Heine) then just add a int / boolean at L2PcInstance and some help method "boolean isDionFriend()" or "int getDionHeineFriendship()" if it is not, (like Hellbound levels more or less) then you need a manager that store that var, it can be singleton because there will be only one (no 2 Dion-Heine relationship) Btw the link is about behavior simulations, dont think that is relevant
  8. i got a bit lost: "Instances": check how postIl did it, but it must be just controling knownList or smth like that Relations between Npc's you can create a manager that save the info (Joe alive?) onCreate() turn it true, onDie() false [no idea if Npcs have onCreate(), they must, because some make an animation or a skill, i dont know] that manager may be static so you can access it easy. AIs, there are some usefull information about this, i have read long time ago something about birds/fish simulations that are based on 3 keys: - they follow a leader - they have a formation - they do random moves inside that formation or something like that Edit: http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/
  9. im talking about grafic effect of 27 players hitting with ss at the same view for an extended time (those mobs were like mini bosses), after a lot of time in that instance you do want to see that effects
  10. java.lang.StackOverflowError = recursive error aka: public void a (){ b(); } public void b (){ a(); } or public void a (){ a(); }
  11. disable gameguard in configs
  12. but its still a good thing, i remmember that in one server i went to an instance with 3 partys, everyone hitting mobs, that was a real dafaq of soulshots
  13. 60 *60 * 1000 / 1000, omg math! Srsly it was so hard to find where that config ends? next time try to fix it by yourself before asking here
  14. use forum search engine, take a look at sticked topics, ... we are not google
  15. and that is what scientists call "bitch slapped"
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