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Everything posted by Paul_Greatest

  1. Speak with them on english , and they would answer on English... Also check the forum , the admins prepare the gift , in language in game ...and everywhere...
  2. when guy masturbate
  3. ohhh no only
  4. No ... it's goes from l2-community.com , from underground... It's was opened with together jfobos... so what you seen on zhyk, leeched from the site below))
  5. Thanks , but I said , I don't care about price , I care about quality))
  6. I'm look on WP7 for one reason .It's Microsoft and it's always would have support , and growing market... But WP7 is it fast?
  7. There is the battle of this mobiles ))) Nokia Lumia 800 VS Apple iPhone 4s VS Samsung Galaxy S2.m4v
  8. Ok Sony or Samsung , I'll try it , but not htc , htc it's taiwan...............
  9. Yes this exploit with l2phx , it's tested with interlude , probably it's must work with other chronicls too.
  10. hmm I'm thought about iPhone ,if be exactly , my choise was between iPhone 4S and Lumia 800 , the minus of iPhone - bluetoth, and this iTunes... I don't know is it possible now to install Cydia on 4S, but anyway , you think that I must give my preference to iPhone? =) ps I don't care about price ... Mb there is more better offer?
  11. like Emporio Armani
  12. More better and easy to use l2walker, it's has nice party system , with such option as well ))
  13. it's very bad!!!!!
  14. to f*ck them
  15. Hi guys, I'd like to know , is there someone who already have Nokia WP7 cell phone, because I thought about new one... What you feel after this mobile , and his +and - =) http://www.nokia.co.uk/gb-en/products/phone/lumia800/
  16. who need in
  17. understand that nigers
  18. Thanks) Is it enought closed? M/b rise the count of post to see it?
  19. Windows7 the best!)
  20. Forum, now availeble on English ! Log IN in game Merry Christamas!!!
  21. from Russia?? really?
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