So I wanna present for you new and exclusivity Lineage 2 c6 chronicle server.
No, no this server not be a most perfect like many people thinking.
We will get bugs, and craking's. Why I'm saying this?
Because its annoying to read 99% server's information about what good server be and I know how people after that disappointed.
They just can whrite something beautifull and don't do anything.
We will try create history with your help.
So less talking more work.
Website: www.exgon.com
* (C6) Interlude Project
* XP: x65
* SP: x65
* Drop: x25
* Spoil: x25
* Adena: x50
* GrandBoss Jewels Drop: x1
* Quest Item Reward: x10
* Quest Drop: x10
* Enchant Rate: 66%
* Bless Enchant Rates: 66%
* Offline Trading/Crafting.
* Offline shop (After server restart offline shop restore)
* TvT Event
* Rebirth system
* Auto-Learn Skills
* Single Duel, Party duel.
* Balanced class.
* BUffer Full (Without resists)
* Buff Time (2 Hours).
* Full working Geodata and Pathnode.
* Full working all quests.
* Full Working All Skill's.
* Full Working All Raid/Grand Boss (Frintezza, Ice Queen, Qeen Shyeed, Uruka, Sailren, High Priestess Van Halter and more).
* Fyll Working Four Sepulhures.
* Full Working Castle Siege.
* Full Working Clan System ( Clan Privilleges, Clan Halls, Clan Wars, Max Level 8, Clan Sub-Clans, Clan Skills, Reputation Score, Top
Clan Rank System, Clan hall siege )
* Full Working Fortress Siege.
* Blacksmith of Mammon (Without Seven Signs).
* Free Class Change (1st.2nd.3rd).
* Sub Class (Free).
* Almost Full Nobless Quest
* GM Shop Up to B grd (Include Misc, Low Recipe and ETC.).
* Augmentation (Include Full Working Skill's).
* Seven Signs (Incl. Rift for leveling Soul Crystals)
* Cursed Weapons ( Zariche & Akamanah )
* Fishing System
* Weekly Olympiad Period.
* Hero change every Sunday 00:00.
* Competition Period Begin 18:00 End 00:00.