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About Vitalka

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  1. Message me i take some adena today
  2. How much need to donate that you close this server?
  3. Download not available File owner's public traffic exhausted. (da3c7b74) Can someone reshare?
  4. Thank you SoRa :)
  5. Hello. So I wanna present for you new and exclusivity Lineage 2 c6 chronicle server. No, no this server not be a most perfect like many people thinking. We will get bugs, and craking's. Why I'm saying this? Because its annoying to read 99% server's information about what good server be and I know how people after that disappointed. They just can whrite something beautifull and don't do anything. We will try create history with your help. So less talking more work. Website: www.exgon.com * (C6) Interlude Project Rates: * XP: x65 * SP: x65 * Drop: x25 * Spoil: x25 * Adena: x50 * GrandBoss Jewels Drop: x1 * Quest Item Reward: x10 * Quest Drop: x10 * Enchant Rate: 66% * Bless Enchant Rates: 66% Modifications: * Offline Trading/Crafting. * Offline shop (After server restart offline shop restore) * TvT Event * Rebirth system Features: * Auto-Learn Skills * Single Duel, Party duel. * Balanced class. * BUffer Full (Without resists) * Buff Time (2 Hours). * Full working Geodata and Pathnode. * Full working all quests. * Full Working All Skill's. * Full Working All Raid/Grand Boss (Frintezza, Ice Queen, Qeen Shyeed, Uruka, Sailren, High Priestess Van Halter and more). * Fyll Working Four Sepulhures. * Full Working Castle Siege. * Full Working Clan System ( Clan Privilleges, Clan Halls, Clan Wars, Max Level 8, Clan Sub-Clans, Clan Skills, Reputation Score, Top Clan Rank System, Clan hall siege ) * Full Working Fortress Siege. * Blacksmith of Mammon (Without Seven Signs). * Free Class Change (1st.2nd.3rd). * Sub Class (Free). * Almost Full Nobless Quest * GM Shop Up to B grd (Include Misc, Low Recipe and ETC.). * Augmentation (Include Full Working Skill's). * Seven Signs (Incl. Rift for leveling Soul Crystals) * Cursed Weapons ( Zariche & Akamanah ) * Fishing System OLYMPIAD SYSTEM * Weekly Olympiad Period. * Hero change every Sunday 00:00. * Competition Period Begin 18:00 End 00:00.
  6. And again bump :)
  7. Anyone can sey this guy are trusted?
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