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About Soviete

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  1. superb. Such system works for l2jofficial (epilogue) another question, theres a way to change allignment after choosed? Tks!
  2. Allen ty vm! It´s working as a charm. I need just a little fix. There´s a way to limit certain classes? Example: I don't want to allow a Dark Avenger get Treasure hunter as a sub. How can I do this "IF"? Thanks!
  3. ty. Are u working on version 2? Hope you release it!
  4. Dude u dont know how much time u saved for me. Can I limit the subclass stack to the race of char and/or sub? example: Warlords can sub to any human class but NOT other races dwarfs can sub any class a human subs to spellhowler (retail npc) then, sub to any Dark Elf class in this one. Thank you VM!
  5. downloading. Thank you. Going to test some buffers and see what fits better.
  6. nice and clean! Thanks for share. Server almost done. :D
  7. ROFL!!!!! Nice npc! Thank you m8! A MUST HAVE!
  8. I can't see a difference about this augmenter and the basic ones @ BS's. Tks for share, I see it's good for some members.
  9. Someone knows a GE version of this or another good buffer? Tks in advance.
  10. I was ready to ask about it. I dont like client side protectors due to lack of security and antivirus fake alarm... there's any other protector for l2j server side? Free? Paid? Links please. Thanks guys.
  11. What it do and works on epilogue as another guy asked? Tks
  12. nice! Can I divide the map? For example, map1.html shows giran/oren area, map2.html shows aden area? Thank you!
  13. Thank you. I was searching for these id's for a while :D
  14. yo, link broken, can you please upload it again? I'm curious. Thanks.
  15. first link is broken. Can anyone repost? Tks. edit: nvm ty! xD
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