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About sasisma

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    Chalkidiki , Greece
  • Interests
    Classic Cheater

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  1. :) <3 gotta love the game or not play at all..
  2. hehe!!!
  3. From the day i entered lineage 2 Mythras i was kinda nervous because (it was my first time on H5) so i didnt really knew what im going to face .But i was also excited on that im playing a server that i know i'll totally like! :P once i entered and i created my character i was confused about everything. (About Experiencing and everything) but mythras was there for me! had some level helper %50 more and i followed their guide! i reached level 80 in NO TIME! :) Since the adena was kinda farm i was with A grade Armor (DC) / A Grade Jewels / and a Homu Acu (cause it has SA'ed Weapons in the GM Shop!) That didnt kept me down though and because i saw that this server rocks i started farming alot! even with a homu! :D i finally reached on having an Arcana mace (Acu)! by that time i met a guy called HellSpawn that was really generous and he GIFTED me one VESPER Noble Armor! i couldnt Believe it! :D :D I Created my clan invited hellspawn and started growing... took me some days to gather enough members to fix the clan from the Event that CeluloSSe says in the forums! but i did it .. i had finally my own clan Lv. 10 and 40k Points in order to spend them wise.. so i did .. i puted clan skills inside it! . in the mean time ive made some friends that helped me alot and trust me ! inside this server most people are really helpful and friendly! As my clan was growing the server was growing too!! i entered around 400 players and in like 2 days the server was rised up to 800!! i couldnt believe this :P Days passed / Members left (clan) / Lost Siege (by an alt clan Noob ikr) / created some more stuff by crafting Today i was in the mood to write this message in order you people of MxC to see how great this server is! GM's are Really helpful and Player-Friendly ! they will help you ,Listen to your Advises about the server and they might even put them in-game! Server is still growing ! 1000+ players today . i was one of them . now my brother is completing my place since i'm in my Holidays and im not playing lineage 2 :P People Trust me ! lineage 2 Mythras has many more stuff that you need to be in-game in order to see!! MsSweety :) JOIN , TRY , PLAY ! <3 Mythras <3 http://www.l2mythras.eu/
  4. you missed the 800+ i guess! ;)
  5. a already level 61 this game rocks! nice !
  6. nice features are seem to be in this server! JOINING NOW! :D
  7. fix the link please. :P nice features.i might actually try it :P
  8. im changing my pack from frozen to something else so i dont think ill need her anymore... :P
  9. still not working .
  10. The .rar Contains folders inside. i copied everything from it and pasted it inside the places that were suppose to be but nothing.. some said (Script Error) skills like (Regeneration and more) some help?skype-> sasisma2011. thanks !
  11. may i ask something about this buffer? its really annoying to be clicking the buff and getting an error saying Script Error and nothing else.. also .. how can we add some more buffs to this buffer? (like when i click Tank buff to get full buff and not the half of them?)
  12. ναι ολα καλα με το config το ξερω. το εχω βαλει εγω στης 3 ωρες. αλλα η buffer φαινετε εχει δικο της timer.και μου μετατρεπει τα NPC σε 19 λεπτα.
  13. τα buff αλλαξαν ωρα αλλα οταν τρεξω την buffer που εχω και πατησω πανω στο buff π.χ μου κανει το ιδιο buff για 19 λεπτα.
  14. frozen rev 1077
  15. [gr]baggo to exw to programma xrisimopoio mia buffer tou Smallz kai molis kanw afto me ta skills ola ta skills omws m kanei script error... [/gr]
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