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Everything posted by BlackDevilDev

  1. Lf for testers, gm, support discord. one of the following is required English or some other language Greek Playing Lineage 2 Send a private message to discuss
  2. Just he ask something and i answer .. I dont spam . Check What topic i do post is 3 topic.... Omg
  3. Check this he make a friend the server he working all the time on server. Now is like beta http://l2endless.com/ https://discord.gg/NzjJz2ha2x
  4. I know he make now beta pvp but after he make second server low rate. Site: http://l2endless.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/NzjJz2ha2x
  5. Hello i have a "proxy server" and i use the Nginx Proxy Manager . My question is , i have a "dedicated server" and i host a l2 server there. How can use this "proxy server" on my "dedicated server" for hide the real ip of "dedicated server" and ofcurse i protect him. I know the question is very indefinite. If anyone have experiance with Nginx Proxy Manager please help me on my problem.
  6. Hello anyone have idea where i found packets for last update on official.. (salvation)... I check on NetPro but i can connect with client ..
  7. Hello, good job for open source ;) .. On step for Select Server stuck and not go to the next step just freeze the software.. Don't show something like at "no respond" .. I use jdk 8 you think that make problem?
  8. Hello i am looking for opcode list for last update of official lineage2.com
  9. Hi on client hellios the NpcTeleporter.dat is like this Item Location_x Location_y Location_z UNK_0 CNT Unknown_Int 30006 -84108.00000000 244604.00000000 -3729.00000000 35 0 30059 15631.00000000 142885.00000000 -2704.00000000 48 0 30080 83396.00000000 147904.00000000 -3384.00000000 43 0 i want found for mobs,npcs. any idea what file need check?
  10. Hello i looking for a software take the droplist from all mobs from l2wiki . Anyone reamber the name or have a link ? I use beafore years but i not remember where i found him... Thank you
  11. +1 Σου προτείνω να βάλεις ενα AntiVirus σαν το InternetSecurity που μπορείς να ανοίγεις πόρτες από εκεί πολύ εύκολα. Αλλα θέλει προσοχή στης ρυθμίσεις και θύμαμαι σου έβγαζε και το Traffic εμφανιζε Και ips.
  12. Thank you very much ... I will try .. But just now i learn the basic class's of l2j
  13. Where i can focus ? For i make a npc , attack when a char have a target and when no target just follow ... AbstractNpcAI is good idea?
  14. i try that all but dont attack . I use "decoy.doAttack();" he do damage but not show the animation of movent stay to spawn and just do damage to object. I use a "while" in script ... Any idea how can movent work ? + tha npc don't remove stuck to world.
  15. Ok thank you for help i test and i right here again ...
  16. yes yes :P worng error is not right that , just i try now add logs ... Who add the log ? Is right that? try{decoy.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, target); } catch(Exception e) { _log.warning(SummonNpc.class.getSimpleName() + "setIntention: " + e.getMessage()); }
  17. Yes i want do a clone attack , you have any idea who do?
  18. Thank you very much for your help i will try this code :). Need add on xml file for npc ai type?
  19. final L2DecoyInstance decoy = new L2DecoyInstance(npcTemplate, player, _despawnDelay); decoy.setCurrentHp(decoy.getMaxHp()); decoy.setCurrentMp(decoy.getMaxMp()); decoy.setHeading(player.getHeading()); decoy.setInstanceId(player.getInstanceId()); decoy.setSummoner(player); decoy.spawnMe(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ()); player.setDecoy(decoy); break; This is part of code for npc type = L2Decoy . I want do that when player summon this type npc , attack the target (take target from player). Any idea who can do that ? Thank you very much
  20. Αυτο φιλε μου πρεπει να αναφερετε σαν true /false 1 ή 0 μεσα στο αρχειο του etcitem δες αν μπορεις να κανεισ αντιγραφη απο αλλο ιτεμ της παραμετρους απλως μην αλλαξεις το ID και το name :P
  21. <skill id="395" levels="1" name="Heroic Miracle"> <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 --> <set name="abnormalLvl" val="3" /> <set name="abnormalTime" val="30" /> <set name="abnormalType" val="HERO_BUFF" /> <set name="blockedInOlympiad" val="true" /> <set name="effectPoint" val="676" /> <set name="hitTime" val="1000" /> <set name="icon" val="icon.skill0395" /> <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="40" /> <set name="itemConsumeId" val="1785" /> <!-- Soul Ore --> <set name="magicLvl" val="-1" /> <set name="mpConsume" val="72" /> <set name="operateType" val="ACTIVE_CONTINUOUS" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="900000" /> <set name="rideState" val="NONE" /> <set name="staticReuse" val="true" /> <set name="targetType" val="SELF" /> <for> <effect name="Buff"> <sub stat="cancelVuln" val="80" /> <add stat="mDef" val="4050" /> <add stat="pDef" val="5400" /> <add stat="runSpd" val="5" /> </effect> </for> </skill> <set name="blockedInOlympiad" val="true" /> Παραδειγμα Skill . Αν σε βοηθησα πες μου. Δες το αρχειο skills.xsd γιατι μπορει να ειναι διαφορετιο στο pack που χρησιμοποιεις αυτο που σου εδωσα ειναι απο l2jserver
  22. That i want do is insert i an a custom .sql some values, like count rb deads on world.
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