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About bezzi

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  1. I just simply love those features but one. And that is max enchant. Cmon, dont make mistake and leave +20 with (b)ews and just dont include crystal scrools in your server. Btw when does it start?
  2. What kind of coins and how many diffrent types of them? Be clever and if you really want those crappy coins make just 1 type of them, not crystal coins, vote coins, event coins, medal coins and all that stuff :)
  3. Hello everyone. First let me apologise for creating new topic in inappropriate forum, but I could not decide where to post it, so I post it here. If Moderators think there would be better forum for my topic, feel free to move it. Thanks :) So this Topic is actually for Slovenians only, I am looking for Slovenian players around our beautiful Lineag2 world. I got a bit bored playing alone and searching for a good server, so I decided to join any server with at least some Slovenian players. Torej, Slovenci, javite se! Glede serverja mi je skorajda vseeno, le rad bi si poživil te dolgočasne zimske dni. Pišite mi na ZS ali tu, pa se bomo že domenli naprej. Ponavadi igram Tyranta ali Archerja, sem pa odprt tudi za druge predloge. That is it. I hope tis topic don't get deleated, I really got bored of this cold winter and want to join some Slovenian community. Have fun everyone.
  4. Hey guys. So the thing is that I came back to Lineage 2 after something like 2 years. Before I left Lineage2 I played on l2inc (but it was not High Five as it is now, not even close) and I had a lot of fun. Well that doesn't matter, what I am trying to tell is that I just can't find good server to play on. So if ANYBODY knows for a server like that I would appreciate a lot if he would share it with me: Server type: Interlude Server rates: High rate, lets say 500+ Buffer: NPC, Don't care about buff limit Max enchant: somewhere from 10 to 20 ( prefered is safe 3, max 16 for weap and max 12 for armor, but lets say 10-20 will be ok :P) NO (!!) custom armors and weapons, and no some weird coins, I like adena, maibe gold bars, so no custom coins, too :) Balanced PVP Events would be awesome, but it is ok, if server is without them, too. Hm, at least smth like 150-200+ players online Recently opened or will open soon (!!) - I just can't play with +0 while everybody is +10, 12 and more Working secured (With that I mean no feed and stuff like that - fair oly so :D) Olympiad Castle siege That is it... for now! :P Please, post some servers, damn. It is winter and I am bored. Thanks and have a nice day :)
  5. Looks reaally awesome and I am going to check this as soon as it comes online. I love client and rates. Good job so far :) D3mayo, si Slovenec?
  6. Runtime Error! ~BARTZ SERVER~ So I have been boting normally in Dragon Valley and now I have moved to IMPERIAL TOMB. Before i never got that error but now 2-3 mins after using bot i always get this error. Anybody solved this problem already? Screenshot: http://shrani.najdi.si/?1m/r2/4fd8iYie/untitled.png
  7. my bot doesnt want to targed any other mob when it kills first it youst says "invalid target" all the time. Can anybody help me please??? thanks
  8. Im looking for any bot that work on themega.ru community.
  9. how much people online on l2ws ?
  10. any chronicle i just need goood population
  11. Hello im looking for good new server
  12. So how much players activly online atm, is this server worth of joining, and why cant i log in?
  13. Hello cheaters ive applied for some facebook contest, and i need your help, it will take you only 1 min max, thanks. Steps how to help me: First like this page please: http://www.facebook.com/psfri?ref=ts And after liking that page you can like this my picture (with each like on my picture i recive one vote) http://www.facebook.com/psfri?ref=ts#!/photo.php?fbid=110161872406450&set=o.129091010500529&type=1&theater Thanks so much for everyone that liked my picture!! :)))
  14. yeah i disabled it now, and download again, hope it works.
  15. i have demaged files i think is it possible thats becouse of antivirus (kaspersky) ?? :(
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