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About Milky

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. L2 ofc:D
  2. my favourite movie is "7 Pounds", and seems best actor Will Smith for that movie:P
  3. damn..House is unique:D why so lame game will be..i expect something rly great..(( and seems pictures are not from gameplay, them from game movie?! or its just for me oO =)))))))))
  4. damn, already read :D k, lets cheat with you guys ;)
  5. WTS/T on Dragon15x: Draco set, DracoBow+f,Tateossian javels coins and lots of ect stuff for money or items on Arena1000x Dragon-Network
  6. Hey Cheat-world ppl:D Im new in your community..but will try to be with you coz i like your forum :o I play Lineage for 5 years..and intresting to share some experience with you and take something back ;) Hugs :D
  7. Thanks, still work for me too.. my Question: is the any guide how to make sripts there?
  8. Arena 1000x on DNet www.dragon-network.net
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