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About FelonBIG

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  1. being using this for a long time. pretty good results
  2. First off, @Baggos i hope you will have the courage to continue doing this, cause many people do not try anything by themselves and expect everything to be served to them. :) @Πατουσίτσα Well, i dont know if the videos Baggos posted in the topic are yours or not, he surely does not flame them LOL Please take a look on "Video Guide" before asking for help. This is certainly not any kind of flame. Also 300 lines of code is nothing for a developer..... (the hangman game i made for fun was over 1000 lol). Serious projects require thousand lines of code (i can link you to projects from github if you want). Finally i dont know if you noticed but he said he does everything he lists for free.
  3. Really appreciate the work and effort you put into this project. Hope we wont see any crappy written scripts in live servers anymore. I also hope that this project will remain free for the users and wont be put for sale after it is well known. Last but not least, if you need any help i can use some of my little spare time to contribute to the project. I am a compouter science student , currently studying in the AUEB. Good luck , hope for the best. Regards
  4. well since it's outdated you can lock it. Also i finished an alpha version of this project which i can share for the community if someone's interested.
  5. Hello there! Let's go straight in the topic! I want to implement an lru cache for educational purposes. The main LRU cache class will implement an interface which contains the following methods : Note : V and K are generic references V lookUp(K key) : returns the value V with K as its key void store(V value, K key) : obviously stores the data in the cache double getHitRatio() long getNumberOfLookups() long getNumberOfhits() long getNumberOfMisses() Sooooo right now i have an alpha implementation implemented as following : I use a hashmap which i implement (NOTE : i wanna implement each data structure im gonna use by myself) to store the values, and a queue where i insert the keys. Each time an item is inserted, i check the size of the queue. If queue.size() > cacheSize, i pop() all the expired keys and remove their values from the map So after testing it with Strings and 50k entries input i get the freaking huge time of 17seconds!!!!!!! and a hit ratio of 9%(!) If i remove the removal of the expired keys the time drops to 1 sec and the hit ratio goes to 98%,but the application isnt an lru cahce implementation..... Another implementation suggested by a friend was to use splay trees, cause the least recently used nodes would be near the root. I also thought to try and implement B Trees , but i aint so fond of it So , what do you guys suggest? Which data structures should i use for this "project"? If i need to use a hashmap , is linear probing the type of hash that would fit, since there are no memory issues? Thanks in advance for your help guys, Regards FelonBIG
  6. Thanks for the answer bro! Gonna test it and see what happens
  7. Hey guys! Name's Evan, im currently studying in AUEB , in the computer science department. So, a teacher gave me an assigment to create a simple updater program in java. I would like to discuss with you, which is, in your opinion the best algorithm to use. I have a beta version of the program ready. It includes : Basic ftp utilities (download file, delete file , upload file , etc) A basic login panel , which uses text files as a database(the passwords are decoded and encoded with Ceaser cipher's method) I wont keep it that way its just for test purposes As for the update part, i thought about it like this : 1)Split the file on the server and the file in the local working directory into parts 2)Check each part seperately (byte by byte) 3)Keep track of the parts that changed 4)Delete the changed parts in the server, upload the updated ones and join the file back together The problem is : I have no permission to split/join the file in the ftp server.... Or at least i havent found a way yet... So im trying to find a fast way to proccess the update, without having to download the file from the server in order to check it... Thanks for your time. Waiting for your opinion
  8. Ραψωδος hands down
  9. edw se exo Τρωει Story 30 Χρονια τωρα - Μαρκος Σεφερλης full
  10. ty i must buy those attack speed marks ... usefull on many of the junglers i play such as noc - gp etc
  11. thx both ! i played a game as shen jungle today. played 0/21/9 masteries and runes : ad/armor/mresist/ad about build i got mercuries - sunfire cape - runic bulwark - wit's end and spirit of the ancient golem went 4/12/28 .. pretty good i guess :P w8ing for more replies!!
  12. Hey guys! i have been playing LoL since june and i have reached a decent level of play.. Tried to join some ranked games,but i realised that ,except those few times that everything goes well, you will have at least 2 guys because of who you loose the game... My main role is jungling, but... You really know that if something goes wrong in a game or lane the first one to take the blame is the jungler , then the support.. Known story not gonna continue that.. (not to mention that noone wants to pick a damn tank so i always end up jungling maokai , nunu or something similar) Since i got a lot of solo top champs , and do not really like other roles (if not needed i do not play mid or adc, got no prob with support), i thought it would be a good idea to try top lane. I have played some normals as darius,yorick and some others, but the point is to learn how to build and play shen,malphite and other good solo top champs.. So if you could i would like you to guide me in building shen - malph for top lane (masteries-runes-build) and also suggest other champs i should play/buy and plz mention how to build them Thx in advance, Evan
  13. for me the best combination for bot lane is leona + graves surprised no one mentioned it :)
  14. dn iparxei stadar build. paei analoga to game o rene sini8os paizei off tank. Oson afora mpotes , vgazeis mercuries i tabi analoga me to antipalo team. Px an to antipalo team exei poli cc , polla stun-slow-snare ktlp vgazeis mercuries. Alliws an exeis antipalo san solo top enan ad champ p kovei poli vgazeis ninja tabi. Proto item kalo 8a einai na vgaleis frozen mallet Meta dialegeis anamesa se bloodthirster i youmuu's ghostblade. Tora gia ta ipolipa items. An 8es poli damage vgazeis to trio atma's impaler - warmog's armor - maw of the malmortius An i omada s dn exei tank dn prokite na kaneis auto to build gt 8a anagkasteis na tankareis ta teamfights. Opote sinistate ena pio tanky build. Mporeis na dialekseis anamesa se sunfire cape - thornmail , an i antipali omada exei kalous ad damagers i pio apla an to ad carry tous kovei kolous. Force of nature antistoixa gia ap damagers. Kali epilogi apotelei kai to Randuin's omen, to opio exei kai kalo active. Telos vgazeis ena guardian's angel late game gia profaneis logous. Simiosi : an 8es na koveis dmg kai sto tank tous , xriazese armor penetration to opio mporeis na pareis apo ena Last whisper. Auta. Pistevo na voi8isa
  15. actually it was not that. i fix it last night by accident. the jar was not into the build path in my build.xml btw thx for yoyr reply. someone lock it
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