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Everything posted by Andrey™

  1. i told to Dario and he say to me to download again because he update! I give again feedback when i download!
  2. => unballanced server //fail
  3. Hello, i made this TOPIC Beacuase i want to buy interlude pack. I want a mid rate pack(25x) ballanced class, retail olympiad,sieges,fortress and other like retail and all skill working + some java custom addaption! Can I pay 50 euro! Contact Y!M: create_sites59@yahoo.com MSN: lineage2dejavu@hotmail.com Skype: lineage2dejavu Thanks!
  4. yes i tested, go check your xml files!
  5. I Don't Recommand this pack because a lot of skill dont work(augment skill) who do not trust me please go on www.l2jdario.com and download Pre-Compile Pack.
  6. Done, I Buy From Matim and work perfect on my interlude pack! ;)
  7. Lol what you do to me? You do not have teeth in your mouth so boo!
  8. 1.Your Romanian Speak is Total Fail! 2.Look at you you are so strange boo! 3.And ofc i have much photo.Just Wait 4.You are Flooded in Y!M. ;)
  9. Ok More Photo With You -My Lord
  10. lol i`m zeppelin?:)) haha zeppelin please come here ,listen at this fking noob i`m you =)) aa and this is you'r brother ,right? [ro]E Foarte Stirb[/ro]
  11. //agree with you but look here Cristianos88
  12. [ro] Stai linistit ca o sa vezi ce se intampla cu tine. Stai numai sa vina Eklips. Nu Scapi;) Fmm De Stirb =))[/ro]
  13. lol fake! server is now clean admin make Wipe yesterady..so you'r big noob:D You already failed with L2Odin and want Abble Fail To! Toothless and Retarded Kid!
  14. hmm ok. I join now! i think now is more ballance
  15. Admin server wiped?
  16. 100 playeri max? =))clar
  17. yes i`m noob 0 java knowledge but about you?
  18. server is mine? =)) =)))) ok if you say=))):-j
  19. Features are very nice. I will give a try. GL with your server dude :D!
  20. you already fail with l2tron and some. How much server you open in 1 month?
  21. What is this?
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