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Everything posted by kurameboli

  1. About 3d max i already use it very well ......... but actualy u didn't help me ...... lol
  2. Hey , i want to make COV like normal buff [ not a super buff ] i mean that ..... u can add one of the prophecies or chat of magnus , or the final buff of dominator [ INTERLUDE ]
  3. Nice one , here i see u also talking about stacking G shield + G might , ok i need a lil help also , i want to stack the Heroic valor+ heroic berzerk + heroic miracle ..... :) tell me plix plox ^_^ And i wanna make that when u use heroiv valor [ only u get the effect not all the clan + ally { interlude }
  4. So this is for sure from where comes the famous nick [ Nigga Stole My Bike ] lawl huahauhahuauahauahuahuaua
  5. What the fakkkkk , speak english noobs !!! omg !!! noobs omg , for more saftey when u see me , try /unstuck OR use the epic scroll of Blessed Escape ofcourse blessed by the god of holy blessures !!!!!! pipi / gawm / malakas ............. WTF is that all the greek language ?!?! the only 3 words i know ............. Learn english nooobs !!!! save your lives
  6. Thank you ExTrEmEDwarf , but i want to create it with recipe [ u know l2extreme style ] ? you know what i mean , doubble clic on recipe then i requires some items to be collected .... when press ok u get the stat + some items as reward [without asking for crafting mastery] <<good old days>> Damn i still can't get in touch with the developers of l2 extreme (titan) "" they are really powerful l2 developing / mod-ing BRAINS ""
  7. Dude what are u talking about lol ......... the skills will still with same icon , just add lv 2 effect to the skill [ so in buffer lv 1 dances / songs ] and when playin with dancer / singer u will auto learn the lv 2 but its complicated really ..... [ just use the way i told u above ].
  8. Yeah i see that this is the best and fastest way for to use the useless dances / songs , as you said that u are kinda newbie ,so thats easy for you , just remove the re-maked songs from buffer and change the song /dance to toggle option [ self active like Arcane skills ] and thats it :)
  9. You can't just copy and past the lines of lv 1 dance then change some info and think that this is new dance lv 2 .... it will not work ofcourse ....... it needs to be re-built with the system .
  10. Again , THIS IS NOT A FLAMING TOPIC ............... if u can't help then don't post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Dude this topic is a request for some l2 dev help , its not for FLAMING , so if u don't know how to help then don't even think to answer.
  12. I want to create a recipe [ when double clic , get a lit of items needed , and when collect the items , press ok and get hero stats forever + some costum ites ] i tryed to create this recipe but i failed [ i tryed to costumise a Sgrade recipe for wep and change statistics ] but i get errors ...... and im confused .... maybe my hero link is corrupted and need to re-write something ..... help me if u can , thx ???
  13. There is an item in l2 [ interlude ] when u double clic u get a picture ............ i tryed to create a costumized item [ when double clic to get my own picture] but i get erros when loading the server ..... anybody can help >:(
  14. I want to add an auto reward system for specified online time , for example , when a player is online [ he gets 1 costumized item ] each time when 60 minutes are passing ......... thx for attention :-\
  15. I want to make the normal enchant scrolls .... when enchant fails to give -1 to enchanted item [ no item broken and no item set to + 0 ]
  16. I found nothing ............. [ btw make mini baium and configure it as skill [ summon ]
  17. I want to change the size of the cubic and also the colour ..... how to do this ? [ interlude java and off ]
  18. I want to increase the size of the boobs of [ dark elf female ] increase the muscles of [ human fighter] and others ...... Does anybody know how to fix this ??? :o :o :o :o :o :o
  19. I want to create mini baium and make him as summon skill learnt at lv 76 [ + editing the stats of this summon + manage skills ] if anybody knows please help me :)
  20. Well thx , but that really is pissing me off ... everything im asking , the answer is [ THIS IS CLIENT MOD ] :\
  21. Archer hitting heavy armored tanks for 3k ..... even with deflect arrow skill ..... NICE BALANCE !!!! just no comments
  22. Just idiot things because [ most of ppl ] use free web sites ........ [ so when u don't pay $$ u are supposed to get idiot things ] lol :D
  23. This is for the chance of getting [different grades of skills] [no grade skill (yellow) / mid grade skill (blue) / high grade skill (pink) / top grade skill (red) ] im asking for chance of getting skill from different Life Stones
  24. 3 / 10 , i see nothing special kinda rookie job :\
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