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Everything posted by c0britsa

  1. Well you can take whatever you want to play.... Either way I didn't force anyone to play, I am just preview my server here.. so please, inappropriate cooment keep them to your self...
  2. Hello dear members of MaxCheaters Community. A new PvP server is rising up. Without further explanation lets see the server features. Starting in Giran [Main Town] Starting 74 Level Gain EXP by PvP with other players. You can buy A Grade items with Adena S Grade can be bought only with the PvP Reward Olympiad Items Retail like Bosses. [Valakas, Antharas, Core, Zaken, Orfen, Queen Ant] Special Bosses. [Clan Boss, Server Boss] 70 Buff Slot and 7 Debuff Slot Normal Scrolls Chance 70% Blessed Scrolls Chance 80% Cystal Scrolls Chance 90% [Reason for not 100% is that the item isn't destroyed but it get 0] Safe 3 [it may become higher (plus 1 or plus 2)] Max 20 [Weapons] Max 25 [Armors] Account Manager GM Shop Buffer Gatekeeper Like us on Facebook and stay up to date for the server: https://www.facebook.com/l23dplayers/timeline Server Website has been added: http://l23dplayers.com/ Server Co​ming Soon Online in 7 Days
  3. Guys I saw this video and I am interesting in that like red skin (mod) and I want to ask you if anyone of you knows where to download it from.. Thanks a lot for your help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdaRT-PwHBs#t=18
  4. Well where have you see that I say that server is balanced? Omg find me a server with custom and to be balanced and I will bow to you!!! What a retard.... As I can see on all other server, they write in info class balanced 90%+ and in-game it doesn't even be at 1% balanced. Who say that my server is balanced? Read info before post...
  5. ~Daily Bump~ Armor fixed. Now you must wear the whole set to get stats..
  6. Well I have the right to call it whatever I like and nobody ask your opinion. Here I advertise the server not request any opinion about the server. Thanks a lot mate. I would recommend you to try it.
  7. My friend, the server is ON and everyone can login. Now if you have meesed up ur client, then I can't do something about it. I recommend you to download our updater than the Patch, so if we make any updates to take them instantly!!!
  8. Hello Community of MXC. I want to present to you a new L2 Interlude server. L2 Cosmic The Ultimate New Style Custom PvP Server. => 2 Type of Tattoo's (For Fighter's, and for Mage's) => Starting 20 LvL at Aden (Main Town) => Custom Farm Zones => Custom LvL up Area's => 2 Type of Custom Armor =>{Tauty Armor as PvP Armor In-game } =>{Ixion Armor as Cosmic PvP Armor In-Game } => 2 Types of Custom Weapons =>{Tauty Weapons as PvP Weapons In-game without SA } =>{Icarus Weapons as Cosmic PvP Weapons In-game with SA } (In order to get the ultimate Cosmic PvP Armor and weapon you need some special coins which you can farm and the simple PvP armor and weapon) => Custom Helmets => Custom NPC's => Vote Reward (From the site) => Olympiand Cycle every week => Full working sieges => Safe Enchant: +3 => Max Enchant: +13 => Enchant Rate: 70% Normal, 80% Blessed => Exp: x100 => Drop: x100 => Active/Passive =>Mid Stone: 3% =>High Stone: 10% =>Top Stone: 15% Website This color mean: Still working on that Here is a small trailer for our server: L2 Cosmic Promo Trailer
  9. Does the system check the PaySafeCard number if it is real and if it is, does it check if it has the money?
  10. My friend it would be nice if you could tell us when you bought it and when it expires...
  11. Omg guys, learn to play L2... You are like, if you kill them all you would say: Nice server, have balance... Now that you die you say: Server fail, no have balance... Omg you are like some kids who don't known how to play L2..... I am playing on that server and is very cool... Yeah, is true some classes still need more balance but for the time being PvP is very balance... After all is more like a Team game since it's a faction.. so there is no need to handle all the players by yourself... You can rely on your faction too. Well, as the admin says classes balance between them are 96% and they trying for 100%.... Yeah man? Rly? I guess he hit you one Critical with 4k, and I guess you have less than 1k P.Def, and you cry about it!!!! If he had hit you more than once than I would say yes.. it's unbalance but if you PvP that Gladi 5 times and the two of them are critical I think is normal... But in 5 times all of them critical than it's unbalance.. [move]OMG!!! Kido[/move]
  12. Man, how can I built the gameserver if it doesn't have the build.xml file!!!?
  13. Man all downloads link are dead!!! Please fix them!!!
  14. My friend, can you adapt it for L2J frozen?
  15. Paidia psaxnw ena Java code i enan opoiodipote allos tropo ston opoio otan oi players kanoun change i add Subclass i armor kai ta weapons na feugoun. Diladi na pigainoun sto inventory. Euxaristw poly!!!!
  16. Guys for some reason I don't known if this is a bug but when a player has the full dynasty armor Robe and then where the pnats of the light only the pants the Casting Speed it became more than with the robe. See the photo below for more details: With full Robe: And with the full robe exept the pants wich is light: The stats of the armor light pants are those: <item id='9428' name="Dynasty Leather Pants Light"> <for> <add val='137' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> And from the whole Robe are those: <item id='9432' name="Dynasty Armor Robe"> <for> <add val='139' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='-1' order='0x40' stat='INT'> <and> <using slotitem="9437;11"/> <using slotitem="9438;6"/> <using slotitem="9440;12"/> <using slotitem="9439;9"/> </and> </add> <add val='1' order='0x40' stat='MEN'> <and> <using slotitem="9437;11"/> <using slotitem="9438;6"/> <using slotitem="9440;12"/> <using slotitem="9439;9"/> </and> </add> <mul val='1.05' order='0x30' stat='mAtkSpd'> <and> <using slotitem="9437;11"/> <using slotitem="9438;6"/> <using slotitem="9440;12"/> <using slotitem="9439;9"/> </and> </mul> <add val='257' order='0x40' stat='maxMp'> <and> <using slotitem="9437;11"/> <using slotitem="9438;6"/> <using slotitem="9440;12"/> <using slotitem="9439;9"/> </and> </add> <mul val='1.10' order='0x30' stat='darkVuln'> <and> <using slotitem="9437;11"/> <using slotitem="9438;6"/> <using slotitem="9440;12"/> <using slotitem="9439;9"/> </and> </mul> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef' /> </for> </item> <item id='9437' name="Dynasty Stockings"> <for> <add val='137' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9438' name="Dynasty Cap Robe"> <for> <add val='89' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9439' name="Dynasty Mittens Robe"> <for> <add val='59' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> <item id='9440' name="Dynasty Slippers Robe"> <for> <add val='59' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> And if that cannot be fixed can anyone tell me how can I disable fighters armor on mage and mage armor on fighters? Help me please!!! Thanks a lot!!!
  17. Guys yesterday I found some cool textures for my server. But the problem is that when you are about to augment your weapon you can't see the augment windows where you put the weapon, life stone, and the Gemstone. See the picture below: So if anyone known how to fix this reply here and I will give him the textures. The textures are the L2UI_CH3.utx in the file of the systextures. Thanks a lot!!!
  18. Man how can I add the both of them on the server?
  19. File mou katevasa to account manager sou kai pairnw auto edw to error otan paw na kanw register. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'MyNO-IPWasHere' (4) in /home/a8076175/public_html/connect.php on line 3 Exw diagrapsei tin IP gia logous asfaleias alla pairnw auto edw to error. Exw free hosting apo to 000webhost.com Voi8a me please!!!!!!
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