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About nikolast

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  1. check pms
  2. psss..na se xerode oi goneis sou,pou sou ma8an tropous:) ..an kitouses 2 post parakatw apo to 8ema den 8a anagazosouna na mas dikseis oti den anikeis stn an8rwpiki fulh alla stous pi8ikous
  3. keep insulting greeks ;) that helps ur e-penis grow for sure.
  4. up paidia mia xara to trade pl ebisto atomo apo ta liga.krima p merikoi to ekmetaleftikan afto..
  5. Wrong section prwto:p ma8e tous orous tou l2 giati xwris npc ine ligo zoriko na pekseis l2 ektos k an enoeis custom npc deftero kai trito kalosir8es
  6. Forum is also closed.and yeah i think u should lock that thread.Admin dont know what to do so i dont think that he can open it again
  7. I cant make l2walker to work at divinity site: www.l2-divinity.com Its gracia Final.Ive done all the actions that i have to.like making a loopback opening and setting tcptunnel but im stacking at login when i put my passes if i change anything on the original Host files or system given at servers site .When i put back The servers hosts and system im logging in with no problem.So if u have any idea let me know thnx :)
  8. Nice flame skills :p so what about server population?i mean before the wipe?and how many ppl on do u expect at opening?
  9. Oracle pl oreo to guide sou alla epeidi kati den katalavenw o server pou paizw st download site exei na katevaseis to system kai ta hosts opote an allaksw ta host me afta pou les den loggarei.episis to system p grafeis na katevasoume benei kanonika stn fakelo l2 ekei p ne to system tou server?giati an allaksoume kai ta hosts kai to system pws 8a logaroume ston server pou 8eloume?
  10. ??? ahhah u wont deserve it?u mean regret?
  11. on many servers in 7 years?yeah yeah ok sure :) u were playing l2 before l2 comes to europe and america :o ok lets all play to a server that the admin dont know when l2 released :)
  12. Loipon eimai anamesa se 2 servers ton Renewal kai ton Dismay.Hellbound kai interlude.pion 8a dialegate eseis kai giati?pios exei kalitera donates(enoodas pianou server ta doates den epireazoun poly to gameplay) pios exei kalitera ksila?Pios exei kalitero developer.efxaristw ;D
  13. dld ti einai oi soad?mn m peis pws se pirakse oti den egrapse nu metal.
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