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Everything posted by QooQoo

  1. for example : www.google.gr [url = http://--http://www.google.gr -] Correct Link- [ /url] without spaces.
  2. lol'ed
  3. those grunge smuding it's shity , i dont like it :/
  4. opios kai opote 8elei ena matchaki gia adena edw eimai ^^
  5. o hazard ine donor h' vip?
  6. gia flame
  7. kala molis gineis ekatomuriouxos , stile kana 100k :P
  8. kai egw kai apo oti fenete 8a faw kai se auto to acc ban :/
  9. ka8e mera perneis 1.4k adena xwris n akaneis tpt?
  10. mlkia :@
  11. den exw acsess leei :$
  12. pws bazeis ta adena stin trapeza?:x
  13. pos ta bazeis stin trapeza?:P
  14. he reply with flame too , so it's the same , i ll be banned too.
  15. sta @@ m :/ esi edwses ta leuta gia to donator . :) an htan swstos dn 8a ebrize kai autos 8a ekane apla report . So QQ aderfoulh!
  16. Gekadas Pata edw Snif SniF
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=106127.msg804816#quickreply gekadaspro 20th page.
  18. reported gia ban QQ
  19. kade ton kapios -1 gia flame kai emene mazi.
  20. Se gamise o dimis kai glika8ikes san prwth fora ? :x
  21. min anisixeis BGAZW APO THN K*** ΣΟΥ.
  22. Hackarw sto 1o Rantebou.
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