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Everything posted by ★PictureMyPain★

  1. I set the pass... SEE //Game Database Config $user1 = "root"; //GameServer MySQL Database Login $pass1 = "15161718"; //GameServer MySQL Database Password $data1 = "l2j_db"; //GameServer MySQL Database $host1 = "localhost"; //GameServer MySQL Host //Website Title Config $site['site-title'] = 'Line][Age'; //Login Database Config $user2 = "root"; //LoginServer MySQL Database Login $pass2 = "15161718"; //LoginServer MySQL Database Password $data2 = "l2j_db"; //LoginServer MySQL Database $host2 = "localhost"; //LoginServer MySQL Host //Server IP and Port $log_ip = ""; //Set the IP of your Login Server $log_port = "2106"; //Set the Port of your Login Server $gam_ip = ""; //Set the IP of your Game Server $gam_port = "7777"; //Set the Port of your Game Server
  2. 1st) It is in deticated machine, 2nd)It is on a server, 3rd)I fill infos but it can not connect and tell me that: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  3. Hi! I need some help from "PRO"...I have a template with statistics(diskw) and i can not connect db with website... Anyone HELP me? EDIT: If you need any info tell me
  4. +1//agree and this pack is very good...buy it and try it,then reply
  5. He maybe buy it and just don't use it...LOL...don't spam
  6. When i have close team.viewer it say: Unable to connect Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost. * The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments. * If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. * If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
  7. I play ikariam in ikariam.gr cosmos EPSILON and i have 700.000 points :) if you play too send me pm
  8. I try it....no work...Maybe the wrong verison of teamviewer?
  9. {EN}I stucked to http://localhost , when i open it the say "This site is running TeamViewer."(I have teamviewer 5) [gr]Ego kolisa sto http://localhost , otan to anoigo m leei "This site is running TeamViewer." (exo to teamvier 5)
  10. You can add a poll to vote....I vote 9.5/10
  11. HELP :$ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=143779.msg1022795#msg1022795
  12. DO you know where i can find this? I need it for interlude Login themes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlZoQhTFo7w enchant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYlloi-nV7s Please if you knwo help...if NO, NO SPAM
  13. I play on cosmo epsilon and my best town is 26 level and the lowest 19! If o=you wanna help join comso epsilon at greek ikariam
  14. You should try to awnser,you can not reply if you do not game like ikariam.
  15. I play in cosmo Epsilon in http://gr.ikariam.com/
  16. Just find me something like this npc's except gm shop,already find it!
  17. Yes but i need for interlude this npc's(sorry i do not mattioned it) Can you give it to me?I find only gm shop on mxc here!
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