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Everything posted by Ozzy©

  1. Better download it from here - http://l2nextgen.ru/info/l2nextgen-v4466.html. Bloodshed (L2NextGen owner) shared it due people like you.
  2. scripersan, this is 20715. Ololo, est' zhi? :DD bauwbas, you need to start up server WITH GEO, and change you system (you have system with wrong protocol)
  3. kinho, la2base have 100500 memory leaks and it is not good. Oh.. And team is disformed (l2pheon is making pack on la2base (evolution) souces)
  4. L2OFF, black PR is not good. Keep spamming on other project forums, and get free DDoS on project start:D
  5. look what program use this port, if server tells you that it is busy - it is busy
  6. but l2j on 2k ppl will tell you hello))))) and "more bugged than L2J" l2p will work fine)
  7. they share this source because Power Helper wants raise his rating:D
  8. tsounakas, you posted link on my 20736 pack with geo:P
  9. i think that it is pack. http://ph-club.ru/trunk.rar - link for source files
  10. man, please, open your eyes and read about archid pack:D
  11. this pack is not full pack:) some things are cutted
  12. New price - 100$
  13. This pack made by asterios.tm team (L2Phoenix). Chronicle - Gracia Epilogue. I will give evidence for prospective purchasers. Pack have 1 problem - server restart don't work. Price - 150$, PM
  14. i˚Ozõ, site is _ihgap.ru. i don't recommend to use client pack:D chronicle - gracia final
  15. i˚Ozõ, he is from Russia. We have "holy war" between biggest lineage portals:D
  16. rev is ~14k oh, i forgot. _http://depositfiles.com/files/c87115fuv link to NORMAL SOURCES with normal compilation:D
  17. team haven't svn/timeline on projects like assembla:D
  18. You writed wrong section. OFF and l2j off are different things
  19. l2j/l2jfree + hands
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