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Everything posted by CяAzYzIoM™

  1. SoFaKi WON, I give up and I'm leaving this ill forum, some retards called me ripper so OK YES I'M RIPPER! I'M RIPPING MY OWN .PSD'S! :D Goddess: If I will know where You live, I will tell to my girlfriend to kick Your ass :> and again: go out, there is world outside! SoFaKi: GJ, You are good in Anime sigs, and GL in real life (hope Your problems will gone!) newname: banned asshols should stay banned `BloodyWarrior^ & darkslayer2: Yes shes a biach Blane: don't worry, I'm leaving but I will send You today Photoshop Resources how i promised! MasterDisaster: clone tool - nice joke dude! check the .PSD of that sig, it's made from 0 :> cya!
  2. Both was founded on Web, You Goddess's Right Hand(job) Guardian :>
  3. newname and Goddess, stop doing it girl, I know that accounts are both Yours :) You can't lose and You can't imagine that some one is better than You so You are barking. And what was that word what susqect call You? Yea that word is entirely reflecting You. For other not beliveing and Goddess Guardians/Fake Accounts: You saw my .PSD - how could I rip it making it from 0? ;*
  4. hahaha OMFG! Girl! You really have problems with Yourself! Are You telling me that I've ripped that n00b's signature? 1. check the quality of both images 2. my .psd is wtf? he gave me it maby? or it's traveling in time? he don't even know what filters are used in that sig! 3. Go out! meet a man! Outside is a preety world! Goddess: GET LOST and stop making offtop+spam Delete Yourself Looks really nice, but after all night, I tought You will kick my ass with Your sig, but NO, 2 different images putted on sig :/ Mine was made in 30min, both. I don't like Anime, it's not my strong side, so I supose that You will win, and I'm happy of that ^^ And after that I will be double happy because Goddess will stfu finally :D
  5. LOCK it! It have more views than [Read] Section rules!! xD
  6. Hey asshole, I have .PSD's for all my works so STFU ok? IF SoFaKi WILL WANT .PSD I WILL SEND HER, NOT TO YOU... EDIT: Waiting for SoFaKi sig ;)
  7. I couldn't decide which one to choose xD so here are my 2 sigs: [table][tr][td][/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td] [td][/td][/tr][/table] If we are still playing with "Proofing Shit" I can send You PM with .PSD's
  8. Stop making offtops! Goddess "that days" huh? and don't answer!
  9. I didn't say "NO" :) Just make a topic like I did, but make that topic tommorow pls! entire night of the work on projects waiting for me!
  10. haha SoFaKi I'm talking to Goddess, my posts aren't having anything to do with You ;p You are CooL :D
  11. You are blonde don't You? First time I see so stupid girl.. really Have You ever seen Battle without voting? wtf wake up girl!
  12. here it is : kk=OK, thnx=thanks bb=Bye Bye, translated enough?
  13. And where is .PSD? ^^
  14. Photoshop to drinking? Oo whats the sense of it? xD A lot of girls are using PS for example in facebook, so this is for them: Adobe Photoshop Skin Care CS4 :D
  15. Keep it but add credits. Don't steal any more pls..
  16. disast3r Small question: why did You stole my sig? .PSD what i've shared is for Battle, as a proove, not to add "Raf" and put in Your signature.. There is no "[sHARE]" in topic description, am I right? You should ask don't You think?..
  17. Yea it's working, but License Agreement is still showing up, isn't it? ^^ I don't have problem to You to.
  18. In order to destress oneself a bit, I want to show you the male and female versions of Photoshop :D [table][tr][td]MALE VERSION: [/td] [td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td] [td]FEMALE VERSION: [/td][/tr][/table]
  19. Nope, You can use any Taz render
  20. As I told new crack.. and relax lol, I just wanted to help.. If I'm helping, I'm doing it in easiest way so all who read it, can understand it, maby others looking here in future will find solution for same problem huh? But no Mr. Software Warez Upload Mastah, better say "Don't post to me like that , I am not a no0b on software..." than say "thanks, i 've solved it replacing amtlib.dll" Nevermind now, You won't get help from me anymore. ps. "not a no0b" should know that in CS4 with wrong crack, License Agreement always will show on start.
  21. CS4 is better secured than older versions and I'm preety sure that You didn't block PS from internet connect, You did some updates so crack stop working. You just need to find new good Crack/Activator, or buy original ;p I recommend You to use CS3, it's better for begginers, and don't have security problems like CS4 ;)
  22. I'm only waiting for it :D
  23. Here is mine: .PSD Waiting for Your Goddess.
  24. Pwnz0r, I'm challenging her so I'm giving the theme, btw TAZ theme was randomly first on my mind. If Goddess are soo good PS user to ask me about proofs of my works - that theme shouldn't be a problem for her, am I right? 8) EDIT: changed gender xD
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