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Everything posted by CяAzYzIoM™

  1. stack subclass system is identical as on old Dragon Network, if you guys will make this server as good as dragon was.. it will rox
  2. hello i have problem with this quest: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=80123.0 INTERLUDE version, i think code need some fixes also here is error log: Traceback (innermost last): (no code object) at line 0 SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('__init__.py', 636, 33, '\t\t\t\ttry :')) anybody can tell me how to fix it? or check the code of quest so it will work as t should?
  3. it looks like this: you have main class, than you go to add subclass (of course with retail rules), nvm if quest item needed or not, just add and after that skills from sub are on main, and from main on sub
  4. al lof you - out of knowledge newbies, before u want to say smth, be sure you know about wtf u are talking about let me explain what "star wars" in l2 means - by star wars you can name server with huge enchant, tons of custom crazy items and other shits which are making game fucked up with wtf damage so, before u will give your stupid and worth shit opinion, use your freakin brain, so u can avoid facepalm hattricks
  5. Hello, i'm looking for code of stack subclass for l2j interlude, can't find it anywhere, if somebody could send me i will be greatfull.
  6. wow website is amazing i can bet that after 2 days we'll see it ripped and shared here xd 1. interlude 2. l2off 3. 1+1 4. x15 that 4 points... i love that guys lol i'll be there for sure! and with me some guys from old DN we was waiting for that so fukin long
  7. omg just loled... what a fail, low and poor try to copy hellish sig, mix master.. i knew that you are a noob, but now i know how much :D taste of? or blind
  8. I'm curious, what about SOTW? There will be no winner? #1 was first and last?
  9. the only serious one, rest are just jokes rotfl
  10. 1st: Hellish because it looks the most professional of all 2nd: unqART interesting style 3rd: Project because i didnt have anything else to put here, other sigs just suck, including andronix's borring style Ps. this SOTW is kinda strange, if you organise such thing, first of all stick to the date ffs, you are destroying all the system. It should looks like this (Original and the best system, used on many gfx forums): Monday - Saturday: Joining time Sunday: Vote time And one person should can vote only for one signature, not 3, and i'm very curious how you will count votes with present voting system
  11. yes sure haha u moron, i bough it, and get lost stupid kids
  12. hey, kid, bad day or what? your templates are worth a piece of shit and i will not use them even if u will pay me for that, get lost and do some tutorials
  13. oh some people are jelous because dude did great website? fuma u shouldnt even reply in this topic because your level in graphics is ... intriguex your compare is funny, just the same wallpaper used, but all other things? it's like comparing Fiat 126 with Ferrari community of mxc - mostly greek kids looking for reason to flame and cries, friendly and helpfull people i can count in one hand
  14. "feel my crystals bitch" hah xD it's amazing sig! maby don't sell it but give me :D
  15. Forum back online, now kidzors can again cry about "how many times they died" and spamming with useless sh1ts xD
  16. Server have amazing balance! There was many updates and tests but it was worth it! I can see there many different chars playing, not only daggers and bows like is usually on many servers.
  17. th/bishop pwn? hahaha that was good :D i have him on 3-4 hits .. learn to play noobs!
  18. yea, army of retarded kids crying all the time when they die, learn to play first - than talk about balance :>
  19. Recrutation still opened? I sended you PM.
  20. Dynasty and Apella Armor's stats are awesome! I hope you will not add Dynasty Weapons, now PvP is longer :D Mass PvP for Raid Bosses is great :D I love that server :D
  21. Small trading center: Na4bz0rS waiting for event xD:
  22. ohh and here we have crying newbie, killed X times :( learn how to play first, zerg? one party is zerg? find good organized clan.. its not solo server mages? pff, mage i have on 4-5 hits :)
  23. server rox, movie also awesome! sieges are coming so im sure that more movies will be made :D
  24. Robert, as you told, you never played low rate, so don't talk about something that u have no idea, and don't insult me because i didn't insult you. I just saw your criticism and answered for it, that's all. If you don't want to waste your time, what are you doing here? go outside :D If you want to play l2 you MUST waste your time, l2 always was and always will be wasting of time.
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