If image don't load, account have:
Misc Informations:
RP = 826
IP = 1853
IP Boost 10 wins.
XP boost (you don't need it , you are already 30 lvl)
4 rune pages
No ranked player cause now lol add season 3 and all elo wiped.
- Akali
- Amumu
- Annie
- Ashe
- Blitzcrank
- Brand
- Cho'Gath
- Evelynn
- Fiddlesticks
- Garen
- Jax
- Karma
- Katarina
- Kayle
- Kennen
- Kog'Maw
- Lee Sin
- Leona
- Maokai
- Master Yi
- Nasus
- Nocturne
- Nunu
- Orianna
- Rammus
- Renekton
- Rumble
- Shyvana
- Singed
- Sion
- Talon
- Taric
- Teemo
- Trundle
- Tryndamere
- Twitch
- Vayne
- Warwick
- Wukong
- Xerath
- Yorick
- Zilean
- Nightmare Cho'Gath
- Gentleman Cho'Gath
- Loch Ness Cho'Gath
- Jurassic Cho'Gath
- Desert Trooper Garen
- Vandal Jax
- Jaximus
- Sonoran Kog'Maw
- Totemic Maokai
- Assasin Master Yi
- Samurai Yi
- Galactic Nasus
- Frozen Terror
- Void Nocturne
- Ravager Nocturne
- Haunting Nocturne
- Nunu Bot (Legendary Skin)
- Ninja Rammus
- Hextech Sion
- Warmonger Sion
- Highland Tryndamere
- Runeborn Xerath
- Battlecast Xerath
Accept: Paypal
Contact: PM me or Skype iMixMasteR
+ free transfer to east region.
Forgot to said , he don't have registration e-mail so don't ask about it.
pm for offers.