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About MrBig

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  1. file psa3e sto aggliko section exi para polla!
  2. nc job ;)
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68717.0 na des edw merika link(kai kana search bohthaei pou kai pou :p )
  4. kalo tha to dokimasw!!! :)
  5. wreos polu kalos prwsopika me helpare polu :)
  6. i look for the same npc too =.=
  7. se emena dn doulevi o buffer se esas doulevi kanonika?
  8. omg men u are great just do more job on that :D if u take some staffs or sword from yu gi oh u gona be perfect !!! :D
  9. fenete na eine oreo twra to bazw stn server mou :P
  10. ta stat's eine pl perierga pds file alla eine kali doulia +1 ;)
  11. try gameserver data stats skills and try find the skills : chant of revance and song of venegence low it from there...!! i think i help u..
  12. mayebe u need chance ur mysQl try 5.0... or chnge in ur data base mysQl number packet...!!!
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