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Everything posted by Zedonious

  1. Θα μπορούσα να έχω μια μέση λύση ?
  2. Ποιο project έχει τα λιγότερα προβλήματα & bug φυσικά? L2Equal L2Free L2Teon ? θέλω να ανοίξω ξανά τον σερβερ μου και θέλω κάτι πολύ καλό.
  3. Λοιπόν αλλάζω κανονικά το no-ip μου στο l2.ini του system αλλά μετά ξαναμπαίνω στον ίδιο server που έμπαινα πριν . Χρησιμοποιώ c4 pack Και αλλάζω το l2.ini απο το system του elite.
  4. i want to make a c4 server and i would very much like to have a good team for help and support me !! i want to make a SERIOUS server and dedicated. leave pms.
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0 Το έχειs κάνει ήδη πολλές φορές και μπορεί την επόμενη φορά να μην είσαι τυχερός και τελικά να φας το dekarma
  6. Den xrisimopoiw healing se mage ..mana pots kai sto F12 Battle heal ta ss stin 2 stili :)
  7. hahaha yea !!! If you can help me !! i need someone to help me be better , can you add me ? (msn)
  8. Πριν postareis ρίξε και μια ματιά εδώ : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122985.0
  9. I want your opinions but please , behave good :P My 1st Signature :
  10. Where is sofakis guide? and where i can found one guide to how i can create a backround?
  11. avatar its ok but you have to make the text bigger
  12. and how i can add the background ?
  13. yea but my name isnt good i cant see it. I need bigger text on avatar
  14. Fix The Sizes of Avatar. i can not put it in my profil :)
  15. I like it but if you can to change a font of the letters :) Yes i want and avatar :)
  16. Letter : Z Colors : Something White Text : Zedo
  17. Ναι βλακεία μου κάποιος να το move κοιτόυσα εδώ και ξεχάστηκα ...
  18. Βασικά υποψιάζομαι ότι το έκανα σε λάθος Section :S.
  19. BUFFS TIME FOR L2JBRASIL //////////////////// entry=101;cost=(57,0);1077,3 //Focus entry=102;cost=(57,0);1242,3 //Death Whisper entry=103;cost=(57,0);1086,2 //Haste entry=104;cost=(57,0);1240,3 //Guidance entry=105;cost=(57,0);1045,6 //Blessed Body entry=106;cost=(57,0);1048,6 //Blessed Soul entry=107;cost=(57,0);1087,3 //Agility entry=108;cost=(57,0);1085,3 //Acumen entry=109;cost=(57,0);1257,3 //Decrease Weight entry=110;cost=(57,0);1068,3 //Might entry=111;cost=(57,0);1040,3 //Shield entry=112;cost=(57,0);1036,2 //Magic Barrier entry=113;cost=(57,0);1268,4 //Vampiric Rage entry=114;cost=(57,0);1059,3 //Empower entry=115;cost=(57,0);1204,2 //Wind Walk entry=116;cost=(57,0);1062,2 //Berserker Spirit entry=117;cost=(57,0);1388,3 //Greater Might entry=118;cost=(57,0);1389,3 //Greater Shield entry=119;cost=(57,0);1303,2 //Wild Magic entry=120;cost=(57,0);1397,3 //Clarity entry=121;cost=(57,0);1355,1 //Prophecy of Water entry=122;cost=(57,0);1356,1 //Prophecy of Fire entry=123;cost=(57,0);1357,1 //Prophecy of Wind entry=74;cost=(57,0);1352,1 //Elemental Protection entry=125;cost=(57,0);1078,6 //Concentration entry=126;cost=(57,0);1259,4 //Resist Shock entry=127;cost=(57,0);1243,6 //Bless Shield entry=128;cost=(57,0);1035,4 //Mental Shield entry=129;cost=(57,0);1304,3 //Advanced Block entry=130;cost=(57,20);1413,1 //Magnus Chant entry=136;cost=(57,20);1363,1 //Chant of Victory //////////////////////// /// Nobless /// //////////////////////// entry=131;cost=(57,0);1323,1 //Nobless Blessing entry=132;cost=(57,0);1325,1 //Fortune of Noblesse //////////////////////// /// Resist /// //////////////////////// entry=137;cost=(57,0);1393,3 //Unholy Resistance entry=138;cost=(57,0);1392,3 //Holy Resistance entry=139;cost=(57,0);1352,1 //Elemental Protection entry=140;cost=(57,0);1191,3 //Resist Fire entry=141;cost=(57,0);1189,3 //Resist Wind entry=142;cost=(57,0);1182,3 //Resist Aqua entry=143;cost=(57,0);1353,1 //Divine Protection entry=144;cost=(57,0);1354,1 //Arcane Protection entry=145;cost=(57,0);1362,1 //Chant of Spirit //////////////////////// /// Summon /// //////////////////////// entry=146;cost=(57,0);4699,10 //Blessing of Queen entry=147;cost=(57,0);4700,10 //Gift of Queen entry=148;cost=(57,0);4702,10 //Blessing of Seraphim entry=149;cost=(57,0);4703,10 //Gift of Seraphim entry=150;cost=(57,0);1304,3 // entry=151;cost=(57,0);1304,3 // entry=152;cost=(57,0);1304,3 // entry=153;cost=(57,0);1304,3 // entry=154;cost=(57,0);1304,3 // //////////////////////// /// Dance /// //////////////////////// entry=26;cost=(57,0);271,1 //Dance of the Warrior entry=27;cost=(57,0);272,1 //Dance of Inspiration entry=28;cost=(57,0);273,1 //Dance of the Mystic entry=29;cost=(57,0);274,1 //Dance of Fire entry=30;cost=(57,0);275,1 //Dance of Fury entry=31;cost=(57,0);276,1 //Dance of Concentration entry=32;cost=(57,0);277,1 //Dance of Light entry=33;cost=(57,0);307,1 //Dance of Aqua Guard entry=34;cost=(57,0);309,1 //Dance of Earth Guard entry=35;cost=(57,0);310,1 //Dance of the Vampire entry=36;cost=(57,0);311,1 //Dance of Protection entry=37;cost=(57,0);366,1 //Dance of Shadows entry=68;cost=(57,0);365,1 //Siren's Dance //////////////////////// /// Song /// //////////////////////// entry=39;cost=(57,0);264,1 //Song of Earth entry=40;cost=(57,0);265,1 //Song of Life entry=41;cost=(57,0);266,1 //Song of Water entry=42;cost=(57,0);267,1 //Song of Warding entry=43;cost=(57,0);268,1 //Song of Wind entry=44;cost=(57,0);269,1 //Song of Hunter entry=45;cost=(57,0);270,1 //Song of Invocation entry=46;cost=(57,0);304,1 //Song of Vitality entry=47;cost=(57,0);305,1 //Song of Vengeance entry=48;cost=(57,0);306,1 //Song of Flame Guard entry=49;cost=(57,0);308,1 //Song of Storm Guard entry=50;cost=(57,0);363,1 //Song of Meditation entry=51;cost=(57,0);364,1 //Song of Champion entry=52;cost=(57,0);349,1 //Song of Renewal Buffs Time : 4 Ώρες ~DOWNLOAD~
  20. Εξήγησε τι κάνει και βάλε more information να γίνει πιο ωραίο.
  21. OK REWARD PRICE CHANGED TO 2.100 no more.
  22. Προσθεσε και αυτό πιστεύω θα βοηθήσει : # Inventory space limits MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 300 MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 350 MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 450 # Warehouse space limits (Must be < 300 for prevent client crash) # Dwarfs will get bonus from lvl 60 MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 120 MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 100 MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200 MaximumFreightSlots = 20
  23. Stop Spam. OnTopic : Welcome , njoin your stay.
  24. Rules : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122985.0 Εδώ ζητάς βοήθεια : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0 αν συνεχίσεις το ίδιο πράγμα σιγουρα θα φας dekarma... :/
  25. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=58735.0 Αφού υπάρχει ήδη .
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