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Everything posted by IPXS

  1. So I think people forgot all about NOOBISH Error "I can cheer you because I almost made New F-ed Up 3.0 rev. So what will it on new version: New Error in GameServer loginserver like NOOBISH ERROR. Proxy your IP protection, (you don't get ip ban so fast) You can write your own text in error. Works on Gracia Final ,Interlude servers. Protection will be issued only after the attacks. Coded in Delphi. How it looks: Later I make a video. Program is not done 100%. Thank you for your attention
  2. Yes rework procedure Sockets1SessionConnected....
  3. You can rework and make it a new Server Destroyer. 10Euro Coded delphi.
  4. If needs this program source pm my I sell it ...
  5. Nice Share I study delphi :0 Maybe I rework code:)
  6. Guma take this from other projects :)
  7. IPXS


    Gifts is a very hard to get because so many people wait...
  8. For help I get Insult to avoid complacency,thx for friendly ship.
  9. ConArtist™ but its not imposible to think that, we live one in space.... They are mutch smart because we can't see it and I think they don't wana be detected because I repeat agan We live stone age under them.
  10. Go to nasa.gov and you see it photos How mutch is a galaxys and 100% we not live alone LOL. Nasa Know very mutch but its very seacret. If they can zoom galaxy, try to think how mutch they see it.
  11. NASA detected UFo and report about that in public... You are realy not clever man... In a Space is a billion galaxy and can by very same like earth.... You think UFO care about us? They are very very intelligence than us. If you found a planet where live a stone age people you try help them or leave alone?
  12. Many peoples don't know how to fix this bug. Use scrol or /unstuck command and rr = untarget. I made fix. gameserver/clientpackets/RequestRestart.java Add this code: if (player.isCastingNow()) { player.abortCast(); } if (player.isTeleporting()) { player.sendMessage("Sorry you can't logout while use teleport."); return; } Not oldes fix.Enjoy If you have this bug in your server.
  13. If man don't know how to add, its not your problem :D If he wana pay lets do that ....
  14. Pack with source, data core.Realy good job.
  15. For money I can do everything :D
  16. I agree with Stive...Leviathan and Evill33t will make a good job and will have a big comunnity!!Lets join all there!
  17. Where your presents DragonHunter ?:D Its time to gifts
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