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Everything posted by alexu

  1. really thanks !!
  2. Hi,wich one is best for pvp only in hi5 ,i dont care about farm. I really dont wanna give up 1 handed,i have money to buy both..but please argument why i should use 1 h dagger and not duals,please be specific.I hope ill get the answer.Thanks !!!
  3. I agree with sunbean's ideas,btw will it be a java based file server or off?
  4. I knew there was on this forum a topic where somebody posted screens with all crahs reports and explained how to repair them,i cant find that topic with search option so im making another topic,sorry:) 2012.7.26 00:29:42 OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU : AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ @ 3223 MHz 1023MB RAM Video : ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series (6925) PosCode : LS1(273) 0:0:0 2/0 [404] Error setting display mode: CreateDevice failed (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL). Please delete your Option.ini file if this error prevents you from starting the game. History: UD3DRenderDevice::UnSetRes <- CreateDevice <- UD3DRenderDevice::SetRes <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UWindowsViewport::OpenWindow <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine This is what i get,i uninstall l2 and install it again,it works 1 day,and after that i start getting those again and again,and its not only this one,other to,i dont use antyvirus I deleted the option.ini but then l2 doesent work at all,it trys to connect but i get black screen and nothing. Somebody can help me?
  5. i played a server like that but it was gf not freya,the new skiles all that freya means is awsome even hi5,but onw thing that sucks are items! The s grade items look better and,ofcourse:)),are better than vesper vorpal elegia.. I will play without hesitation.
  6. works on freya ?
  7. sorry i figure that out.ok i hope you will answer the next questions guys,after posting this topic i looked on other topics information about db but didnt find something concrete. 1.Dyes? +str+dex-con? or +str+con-dex 2.Skill enchant routes:disarm,rush impact,Viloent temper=chance? or what? 3.Attack skill's:Contagion,Crush of Pain,Enuma Elish= Duel or Atribute? 4.Belt,pvp physikall attak or pvp Skill attack ??? I'm playing on high rate Freya server.
  8. I started to play doombringer yesterday,but i cant figure out how to put my skills in order on the skillbar for pvp'ing,dont know in what order,cam sombody upload a image or something? Thanks alot.
  9. lol fake dont work
  10. thanks i saw others with this dagger and i didnt knew waths the thing,now i know.thanks again :D
  11. thanks im gonna try this,i only have 1 gb ram,but i pray it works at least 10%
  12. wats the most important pc component to run l2 without any problem? ram?graphic card?cpu? witch is the most important and wich is not,because im gonna buy myself a new laptop to play l2 but i need to know in what direction i need to look. Thanks!:)
  13. l2 eraofhazzard/atlantis
  14. i like ghosthunter
  15. i bet i can beat you and your clan mates alone.
  16. works for me thanks
  17. worked yestarday but not today
  18. i wish i would find in the future a l2off server with Interlude items only,(becausethe gracia,freya,h5 suck hard,and are unbalanced),but in the same time i wish it could have all the skill from interlude to last update(hi5),to be a stable pvp server,no donations,nut to work your ass to obtain items,there was a server like this but to bat its was closed,l2racesupremacy,sry for saying the name but server is closed:P
  19. good luck hehe
  20. +20 donators,good luck with server,you'r gonna need it.
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