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Everything posted by marlboros

  1. kalispera guys... se server x100 exo char Ghost Sentitel..... ti StuckSub simferi na kanw??? opios mpori na me help tha to ektimousaaa thx:D
  2. guys psanxw gia c6 server (interlude) high rate no CUSTOM... kserete kanan kalo?
  3. pedia ... thelw na pekso counter strike... 1.6 i source alla den vrisko Link.... mporite na mou sthlete LINK sto opio tha mporo na pezo kai ONLINE? exo katevasi kana dio counter alla den vriski servers .... :/ opios mpori na me voithisi.. :))))
  4. Gia sas pedia... epeza prin kana 2 xronia lineage 2 kai skeftomai na to ksanarxiso... Psaxnw loipon gia enan server Interlude low rate... x10... an exete kati na mou protinete tha to ektimousa!!
  5. oxi file mou grafi oti den mpori na vri servers... :/ euxaristo pantos
  6. gia sas pedia... endiaferomai na ksanarxiso to counter strike... katevasa ena apo to internet alla dn mporo na pekso online... sta servers dld den mou vgazi kanena server... epeza palia kai dn ixa afto to provlima.. mporite na mou sthlete kana link me ena counter strike 1.6 i kai source akoma pou litourgi?? an mporite na me voithisete na ste kala :)
  7. Gia sas pedia... xriazomai tin voithia sas... thelw na pekso Counter Strike alla den ksero apo pou na to katevaso oste na mporo na pekso online... an mpori kapios na mou pi pia steps na akolouthiso tha me ikanopoiouse idietera:) thx
  8. Download our system! system: http://www.4shared.com/file/ERaeuJWS/system_L2_sr.htm Create account Register: http://sr.no-ip.info/www/index.php?id=reg And Have FUN!
  9. Try to Uninstall Lineage2 and download other client
  10. visit our site http://sr.no-ip.info/ than go Server info and Downloads!
  11. Welcome to L2 SR! (Greek Server) Server Info Xp: 5000x Sp: 5000x Adena: 3000x Drops: 5x Spoil: 10x Enchant Safe: +10 Enchant Max: +50 Enchant Rate: 75% Enchant Bless Rate: 90% Olympiad 100% work Sieges Fixed No Sub-class Quest needed Farm Zones Farm Zone 1: Gold Einhasad & Crystals Farm Zone 2: Gold Knight, Festival Adena & Stones Auto Events Capture the Flag Hide & Seek TvT Custom Events 1vs1 Party VS Party Hide & Seek And Many More! NPC Info Buffer GM shop Augumenter Symbol Maker Class Changer Auctioneer Server Rules GM Team Respect our GM Team! Remember that they don't take any money for helping you, they do it because they want to. Don't offend any staff members! Do not ask GM for items/adena/level etc... Accounts The player must maintain safety of their user names and passwords from their own game accounts. We do not restore your account, if it has been stolen or you have lost your password. You have complete responsibility to have your PC clean from keyloggers. We highly recommend you to never give your password to anyone! Even GM! GM will NEVER ask you for your password! Chat In hero voice you can use only English language. Any other language is a chat-bannable offence. In General/party/trade/clan/ally chats every language is accepted. Using racist words or racism it self is prohibited. Try to be polite, not rude when talking with other players. Insulting other player in hero/trade/yell chats is chat-bannable offence. Advertising other lineage 2 servers or forums is forbitten. How To Connect Make sure that you have installed Lineage II Freya client! If not you can download Freya client from here: http://www.fileplanet.com/214762/210000/fileinfo/Lineage-2---Freya-PTS-High-Five-Client Than you should download our system. System can be downloaded from here: http://www.4shared.com/file/ERaeuJWS/system_L2_sr.htm And now you should create a account: http://sr.no-ip.info/www/index.php?id=reg'>http://sr.no-ip.info/www/index.php?id=reg L2 SR site: http://sr.no-ip.info/ L2 SR Statistic: http://sr.no-ip.info/www/index.php?id=stat Dont wait! Join us !
  12. dn yparxi afto pou psaxnis.. oti kai na kanis dn thavris
  13. tora ti na sou pw??? esy ftes kai mono esy... ta protect sou ine GTP... kalo tha tan na ton eklines ... kai na prospathouses na aniges enan me kala protects Edit: ta homemade server ine eukolo na isvalis...
  14. kita afto to zoaki pro fanos tha tan kana 12-15 xronon... dn exw tpt allo na pw... enas GM prepi na sevete ton player... DIOTI xoris players ti na ton kanis ton svr? pfff
  15. kita se low rate ean exi MP 100000% dagger.... kovi to char kai gia exp kai gia PvP tora ean dn exi MP pots pali dagger .... o archer ine klaniaris se low rate:) idika an ton exis se main class^^ kalitera arxina me ena dagger k meta kane enan archer
  16. [GR]hello guys... thelw na ftiaksw ena signature ... mporite na mou pite kapio programma/site pou ftiaxni oreA?:) thx:) [ENG] hello guys... I need to create a signature... do you know maybe a programm or a site which make beatufil signatures? thx:)
  17. fighter of course:D kata protimisi daggeras.
  18. FIFA
  19. exoun frapala re:D
  20. <--- THE BEST tixea kitaza sto youtube videakia k ida afta ta song k eliosa.... dn ksero an exi gini ksana topic ... dite ta exoun poli fasiiiii
  21. file oxi I prepare = (proetimazo) alla I prefer (protimo) telospanton ego protimo ton palio
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