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About duckforsex

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  1. do you have open beta server ?
  2. hmm i think i`ll give it a try too
  3. The "Go To Castle" option doesn`t appear after character dies and the npc from castle is not teleporting ppl inside can someone tell me where to look and for what cuz i have no clue what to do about this. Tnx.
  4. can anyone help me ? pls pm me if you don`t want to show in forum.
  5. 11:33:45 »¶Ó­Ê¹ÓÃÐÐÕß¡£ 11:33:50 Link LoginServer Succeed. 11:33:54 Login LoginServer Success. 11:33:57 Link GameServer Succeed. 11:34:02 ->Enter Char[1]. 11:34:43 ->Enter World Timeout. why do i get enter world timeout ??? it is a L2 Hellbound java server can you help me? I use 10.9.0 walker with xzCrk patcher. tnx.
  6. with 10x spoil i don`t think is too hard to craft anything :))
  7. maby koyuki but i lethal stryke + stun + doule shot + slow shot skill don`t remember the name i think are better than surrender to arrows :)
  8. too bad not all of them work correctly like focus lvl 10 active skill has the power of focus lvl 3.
  9. are we there yet?
  10. yeah but linux is not for everybody
  11. 10x spoil :S that is a bit too much i donno if any servers have that much without beying high rate like 100x +
  12. Opera rulez try it
  13. ask them for help :D
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