Geia sas pedia eipa na ftiaksw ena topic gia to pws na ftiakseis ena clan crest / ally crest
As Arxisoume :
Edw einai kapia crests pou brika sto internet
Download link :
1) Anikste ena crest apo afta pou sas edosa p.x Crest name : 23
2) Molis aniksete to crest pigente --> Image <-- Meta Attributes kai balte sto Withd : 8
3) Pigente -> File -> Save as apothiekeuste afto to file me oti name thelete p.x egw bazw 212.bmp kai apothikeusteto se 256 xrwmata
4) Anikste to file kai patiste CTRL+A kai DELETE
5) Meta patiste pali CTRL+A kai patiste CTRL+C
6) Anikste pali 23.bmp (crest apo afto pou sas edosa kai patiste CTRL+V
7) Meta tha emfanistei mia aspri fotografia sto crest
Screen :
8) Pigente panw ->aristera patiste sto SELECT kai kante 1 epilogh me to crest kai metafereteto thn epilogh pros aristera.Meta Pigente IMAGE ->ATTRIBUTES kai sto WITHD balte: 16
Screen :[/img]
9)Kante save to file :212.bmp (opos thelete onomasteto apla sto telos balte .bmp p.x mxc.bmp)
GL Elpizw na boithisa ;)