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Everything posted by annakin

  1. Hi 2 All. I use Server pack from Vanganth dll IlExt And i have a problem Frintessa teleport missing in npcdata and npcpos Some1 can help ? I very need it.
  2. hmm. i go to home in 2 hour and try to help u, now i in work.
  3. this new version u pack.. download this and edit all *.ini files
  4. use this pack http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UQAO2AY4 u pack its old if new pack same problem say i try to help u
  5. mb u say: 1) Server type dVamp, Kation/Vanganth, or ? 2) Win type ? 3) MSSQL type ?
  6. In your dll a lot of bugs and you want money for it?
  7. Someone was able to solve the problem AIOSYSTEM in Dll ?
  8. I do not see anything that could, would solve the problem
  9. only in Server dll AIO system work good
  10. in dll ver AIO system not work L2server.exe say this 06/18/2011 00:52:10.032, [CAIOSystem::LoadData] Invalid skill_id[0] or level[2] 06/18/2011 00:52:10.048, [CAIOSystem::LoadData] Invalid skill_id[0] or level[3] but in dll AIO system work good
  11. omg thx man.. its work. i remove itemd ID in itemdata more 10000 and server work good :)
  12. Perhaps a server crash due to the fact that the server is running on a test machine with the following parameters: 3GB RAM CPU 2 Win 2003 x64 MSSQL 2005 x64
  13. I tried to use it, but with version I have a client does not pass on choosing a server, but when I put comes into play
  14. May-be needed for this assembly which is soft and what that other options? If there is something that describe how to install and configure the assembly
  15. No what I described above does not solve the problem. Server is still falling. Who has ideas why the server may drop when a player leaves the game.
  16. I found the problem. The problem was the encoding tables That's originally stood CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user_item] ( [item_id] int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL, [char_id] int NOT NULL, [item_type] int NOT NULL, [amount] int NOT NULL, [enchant] int NOT NULL, [eroded] int NOT NULL, [bless] tinyint NOT NULL, [ident] int NOT NULL, [wished] tinyint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [warehouse] int NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO But it should be SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user_item] ( [item_id] int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL, [char_id] int NOT NULL, [item_type] int NOT NULL, [amount] int NOT NULL, [enchant] int NOT NULL, [eroded] int NOT NULL, [bless] tinyint NOT NULL, [ident] int NOT NULL, [wished] tinyint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, [warehouse] int NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
  17. I found something, if you rename a table in user_item user_item_bak then the server does not drop when you exit the game, but if there are errors in CacheD Hence I understand the problem in this table
  18. If possible, list what software should stand for the assembly
  19. Yes, I already knew that the problem with me. But I do not understand what exactly is the problem, since I have reinstalled all the software and install different software but nothing works. The most interesting is that the problem is I have only in the assembly and other assembly-type of Vampire are functioning normally
  20. I tried all options, including the reinstallation of all software a few times. But the server still Crash.
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