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Everything posted by hmzzz

  1. dude fuck those 5/10/15/20/25x servers.. ppls are borred from this farming.. I prefer to farm in 1x than in 25x.. the difference is little and there is no sence.. bether play in 1x, make adena and sell it or play in 50+ mid/high rate and pvp.. there is no sence to farm in 20x for nothink..
  2. Great! Can't wait for it :D Good job dude :))
  3. There are no good pvp servers.. :D All of the sux and they are not balanced.. Gang is the worst server ever played.. It's No1 in my blacklist and aeron is soo borring.. U can only farm there.. The noobs that play there don't even go out of town or safe zone :D
  4. How much online? 2? the gm and his brother.. :D
  5. exacly what im looking for :D
  6. There are no good factiong.. GvE is closed, mafia is full of donators and shits, java sux (really don't even think to try it..)
  7. For the upper post: Dude just go to main old official from the verry verry first chronicle and watch the year it have.. :)
  8. LoL is pathetic copy of dota and dota 2.. Admit it u play LoL just beacouse ur too noob and ur pc is too weak for dota2 xD
  9. Nice :) Great work with the boss jews now i can earn them fast and without problems (like waiting years for votereward) Now the other think for the custom armors +30 (witch need 100vc) :D
  10. English motherfucker! Do you speak it !?
  11. Well that server is just not like the others noob servers.. The gm is not an idiot u know.. + u don't need those shitty rewards i get there zaken 7 days limit and some atribute crystalls.. In age is too easy to farm them so u just don't need it :) Anyway i make necro for 2 weaks full vesper +6 full atr / veniplant sword +4 300dark + auguament m atk.. Allmost full epic jews - baium, QA, zaken, valakas and need only tezza and antharas.. The skill enchant is too easy, you need 100mil adena for 50 codexes :D So if u get the point bether play there without voting or just pick another lame noob idiotic server where your pathetic cheats will work :P
  12. well actually i have played in more than 2-3k servers and if anyone need somethink u can just PM me with the name of the server and i can give u for free my account there (if I have played there) since i leave it and i won't play there anymore ^^
  13. Im playing there now but the think i don't like is that u need too much for boss jews.. It won't be fare vs newbies witch must wait with days for them.. Example farmed Destroyer or Archer like me full geared, jews, epic dye, etc vs newbie with basic gears and sux jews.. Ok he will farm gears like mine but the diference from epic jews will be OP and then he will go sad, QQ a little, blame me cuz im just a noob with gears, swear at gm/server for fail server, etc and then leave.. Anyway if u think about it and chance ur mind it will be awsome :) +1 for the nice project i rly like it and if someone plays there too PM me : iKill and we can make ally ^^ + the other think i don't like is that we are 20 online.. And 6 of them are afk in giran for vote reward only .. But.. I think it shoud get some good comunity and pupolation :P
  14. lie! i make 10 regs from 10 diferent IPs and PC and i didn't get anythink.. i refer the link to my fr's and also i didn't get anythink either they do .. fuck u
  15. do it please.. Anyway there is no good l2 pvp servers and i hate low rate lvling and farming.. god i hate to farm -_-
  16. becouse in all the servers freya + / h5 tanks are so bugged and no one wana play in server full with noob tanks who play this class just cuz its OP ..
  17. -3..fuck those russians.. they are so noob's that they need to get somethink from shop .. They don't even know from where to take it so thats why they QQ for gm shops..
  18. sps got slow and sorc got dps :) chose it by urself if u need to play vs tanks so u need to slow them up for kill them or u play vs low hp hero and u need dps and big damage deal :) I prefer sps cuz most of the freya/h5 tanks are bugged and OP so evryone play tank.. (for me it's useless and bug class witch can be fixed) so sps is the bether choice :P + it got more crit rate and if u know how to make ur m.crit u will crit on evry 2-3 hydro :)
  19. I prefer single dager.. U will never hit a good backstab with dual dager.. They are only for farming.. In h5 they got 1 skill for dual dager witch can cause lethal with 0.1% chance so fuck u u will never hit it ! U can never make good stab/bluff/backstab with those sux dual.. They make them only for farm and for nothink other!
  20. well ya im serching for good int faction too.. Cuz as u say mafia is full of corrupted donators.. And java is rly, rly, rly mega sux -_- If any 1 know please post it ^^
  21. me 2.. I can't find any faction insted of scryde and java and they are total sux -_-
  22. l2mafia but it's full of donators and most of the normal players leave it.. Well i can say that there is 3 bitches that fuck up the whole server .. they get fullskills from evryclass/tp anywhere they want, etc.. they are undead and unstopable and can even kill u in town ^^ Soo.. I gues that u won't like it :D + it's now much easyer to buy dynasty ..
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