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About Ainalcar

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  1. heya. Im looking for a server with the most recent Chronicle. It should have high rates and avoid the farm part as much as possible. Another thing is that it should be located somewhere around germany in order to have decent ping. Thank you in advance.
  2. nice guide, i only doubt newbies will show up here ;)
  3. i have always been using photoshop with converting image formats in several steps, now it can be done way easier, ty ;)
  4. u can say, photoshop skills! showtime! everyone can say whatever he wants ;)
  5. i can open more than 13 in gracia 2.3, didnt tried any more... they had max graph propereties xD core i7 ftw!!
  6. again.... it depends on server's formulas for critical dmg, i would say chance is better since with that one u balance your dmg output more... so there is more chance to get a crit in each in every pvp...
  7. Vesper Caster + Sigil owns +15% cast speed goes aswell for debuffs, while emp. doesn't
  8. It always depends on the server's landing rate of dots\curses\debuffs...
  9. l2ownage reborn with best donation list ever <3
  10. Valakas is the coolest, strongest, hottest... uhm, nvm...
  11. i prefer 300x+ rates... grinding in l2 is pure time wasting...
  12. paladin owns most in pvp, so it's my choice
  13. it always depends on your pvp tactics(or farming style if u are farming) for kitting 1v1 magnus is better since the chance to get root or equal shiat is low, but in mass pvp or farm pow is better since its up to your hp\p.def and not to your m.s.
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