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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. forgot it <.< Level 13: (im 12 right now but i will definitely go 13.) Wins 28: (but not that im thinking it, thats not standard, im going to play many matches till tournament starts Champion: My beloved mr. now you see me now you dont, Shaco! Record: 27/4/5
  2. who the hell is going to leech it? <.< try harder thats not a site as a guy said above.
  3. srsly setekh you need to go on psychologist, things you are saying arent serious. Calling us sissies because we just saw a god damned girl throwing a newcomer to life to a river? Suck cocks.
  4. its just a fee, we will ofc have 2-3 bastard that will destroy the tournament, but thats not a big deal.
  5. ofc it wont be 2k adenas, it will be 100-200 adenas, rofl.
  6. we need a manager/leader, who do you think is the right person for this job?
  7. no, but i wouldnt like to be in a position of a guy that wants to pp somewhere and he just cant. Anyway, if there isnt any other way lets do it. Who is gonna be the manager of the second tournament? You total?
  8. they totally suck, gosh no please! im making better signatures for sure.
  9. sry but i dont want to see it again. I have watched it for 5seconds on fb.
  10. Its a very nice idea for a count of 100-200 adenas (ofc not more, lol). But what will happen with the normal members? Thats called racism.
  11. αυτο ακριβως. Εγω στο dota δεν ειχα κανεναν να με help, χωρις items πηγαινα
  12. will this league start anytime? ;d why dont you reorginise it?
  13. Really, its very very good, but i like akido's more :( sry dude.
  14. i like v2 most, i will till midnight (7h) for fuma, if not i will send you the adena. thank you very much.
  15. Μπορει και εχει παιξει σε αυτην τη θεση.
  16. you must cut your own, i dont think that there is any.
  17. απλα ειναι καλητερο στο λεω εγω που με βαλανε κατι φιλοι μου να παιξω dota, επαιξα 4-5 games και βαρεθηκα. Επαιξα lol και εχω καυλωσει, + οτι ειναι πολυ προσιτο στους νεους παιχτες.
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