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Everything posted by Belzebul

  1. As you understood from the title im lookin' for gracia's icons (blabalblalba) for the interlude client.
  2. LauQ, please add all your works, everything you have done is incredible. Thank you.
  3. Yes, i dont want the login's and loading's screen page. Also before some days, i had logged to a server and i saw one different "skin" it was yellow; or something like this, also the inventory/buttons were different, with other icons etc.
  4. As you understood from the title of the topic im searching for the gracia's systetextures for the interlude client. Could you help me? Thank you in advance.
  5. Η Jenova είναι team, μην μπείς στον κόπο να κάνεις compile κτλ. γαμισετο, θα βρεθεί κάποιος που να ξέρει, thanks.
  6. Dawn εψαξά, Jenova last revision Imortal.
  7. Δεν ξέρω καν, μου φένεται πως όχι, γιατι όπως σας είπα εψαξά παντού. Το type του το ξέρει κανείς ώστε να το κάνω μόνος μου?
  8. Εψαξά παντού αλλά δεν βρίσκω το ID του faction manager. Το ξέρει κανείς? Ή να μου πεί κάποιος το Type του.
  9. no you are wrong, this list only shows the registered members and its being refreshed every 10 minutes.
  10. you should first read the whole post.
  11. btw how i could get a moving IP?
  12. Επιτέλους κάντε του ένα - καρμά να το καταλάβει, 1000 φορές έχει κάνει double post. Μπες σε αυτό που σου λένε τα παιδιά ρε φιλε, μην τα θες όλα στο πιάτο ;)
  13. Well i dont have the choice "Remote Desktop Connection" at "Accessories" so crap ;/
  14. Hello once again, i think that we all know the Team viewer (remote desktop control) program. i have a dynamic ip so after 7 days that the trial expires im not able to connect into the server's pc. Any suggestion? How could i keep the trial forever? Do you know any other program like team viewer that it doesnt expire or smth like this? P.S: Before a long time a "random" has given to me a rdc program that it didnt expire. However i have made format and i dont remember the name anymore, it was named like this "aphadmin" or smthng like this, i dont really know. Thank you.
  15. oke i found these features at 52 euros. Thank you all guys.
  16. what features do you recommend for a server with 100-150 people? thank for your answers.
  17. http://www.wincustomize.com ABSOLUTELY THE BEST :p
  18. Im searching for a good Chep Host Company! +- 60 Euro. Could you help me? Thanks
  19. Ρε φίλε να σε βοηθήσουμε αλλά δεν ξέρεις καλ'α ελληνικά φενεταί και δεν σε καταλαβένει κάνεις! (Δεν το λέω για να σε προσβάλω)
  20. Ωραιός ρε φίλε για το share αλλά μου φένεται το έχω ξαναδεί... είναι δικό σου?
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