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About ggPlayer

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  1. Trailer: Rates: * x1000 Xp * x1000 Sp * x1000 Adena Enchant: * 66% -Safe: +3 -Max : +15 (+16 from event) Events: * Team ss Team * Capture The Flag * VIP * Fortress Battles * Death Match * GM's Events Others: * Auto Account Create * No Augments * Olympiad Perioid: 7 Days * 30 Buff Slots * AutoLearn Skills * No Custom Items/skills * 3h Duration - All Buffs * Special PvP Zones * Newbie Safe Zone Additional Information: * GM Shop * Buffer NPC * Scheme Buffer * Global Gatekeeper * Skill Enchanter NPC * Noblesse NPC * Class Master NPC New server Lineage 2 Started today 8 PM GMT+1 Custom rb for Epic Jewels Now on forum there is 152 Guests, 71 Users > online +200 on start will be Look Server Buffer - http://i48.tinypic.com/34i4uo4.jpg Sublass its free Noblesse from events Mp potion gives 200 MP no reuse delay No Custom Items here. Hardware informations: Athlon Dual Core x2 5600+ 6 GB DDR2, 2 x 400GB SATA 2 100 Mbps Location: Germany Website http://l2lad.com/ Forum http://l2lad.com/forum
  2. Failed server. 30% Server has have a critical error...Admin's is not unable to do this...I do not know how? 36hours left admin has it in the ass :P
  3. Hey Guys .New Midi rate serwer x35. Started Today (16.10.2009) Rate RateXp = 35 RateSp = 35 RatePartyXp = 1 RatePartySp = 1 RateDropAdena = 30 RateConsumableCost = 1 RateDropItems = 7 RateRaidDropItems = 10 RateDropSpoil = 30 RateDropManor = 30 RateExtractFish = 50 RateQuestsReward = 50 RateKarmaExpLost = 50 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 5 Other: Buffer,dance songs,Pof,PoW etc. Does not have COV GM-Shop Terms of Trade Event Manager Class Master Auto Learn Skills Luxury GK TvT Event (Every 3 hours) New Medal Event LVL 81-83 skills added Nobless ( Only kill Barakiel) Gold Bar System Champion Mobs ON Wedding System ON Spawnn Protection 25 seconds 4 Farmig Area (the key to drop Items s80, and more exp) S84 NPC A/S Shop Geodata for L2J Vitality System: RecoverVitalityOnReconnect (ON) EnableVitalityOnChampion (ON) EnableVitalityHerbs (ON) RateVitalityLevel1 = 1.5 RateVitalityLevel2 = 2. RateVitalityLevel3 = 2.5 RateVitalityLevel4 = 3. RateVitalityGain = 1. RateVitalityLost = 1. RateVitalityHerbs = 2. Buffs Normal 3h Dance/Song 3h Enchant EnchantChanceWeapon = 60 EnchantChanceArmor = 60 EnchantChanceJewelry = 60 BlessedEnchantChance = 85 EnchantMaxWeapon = 16 EnchantMaxArmor = 25 EnchantMaxJewelry = 25 EnchantSafeMax = 6 EnchantSafeMaxFull = 6 Server Hardware Procesor AMD Phenom II x3 710 x3 2.6 Ghz Ram Memory : 4 GB DDR2 HDD: 250 GB Uplink 100 mbps System Linux Debian Location: France Team Speak: http://www.ericanetwork.pl/ Enjoy and have fun.Join now 8)
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