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About Shikiero

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    Master Coder

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  1. kalimeris ean den exeis balei config stucksub server i kati paromoio prospa8hse na baleis delay sto change/add sub.... 5++ sec alla opws eipe k o Rozdex™ Good Luck.
  2. Happy Tree friends rox!!!! good video u made me laugh xD...
  3. As i said the admins who add this anti-corruption system must be really sure about what they do cause its really dangerous for player and for gm/egm/admin or w/e... before gms do anything they must be informed about this anti-corruption system for any happens... @soz for doubleposting just answering to their answers... :S
  4. Please do not doublepost..... @on topic i think that epilogue is based on facts that on official there are no players at those zones exping.... that's why they remake them.... anyway patch is not ready yet still w8ing....;D
  5. Official C1 - Spellhowler Really cool times :'(
  6. All you have to do is to make your database after register your gameserver and put the hexid.txt to config files gs/ls change ip from server.properties and loginserver.properties and your ready.... but dude.... one advice... use the 3rd button at the top and left of your browser :D or just see a guide around the forum...
  7. I have seen more than once totally... and i can ensure u that they are sexy on ic set and infinity wing =)
  8. i didn't say that is something special.... it's exactly the oposite... and about the diff files i will have it under concentration but i don't have much time for them... so when i have some free time i will post some...thx for comment
  9. l2 4 life ;D
  10. you can see my answer above.... Its for all the game masters and admins and event game masters everyone...
  11. make what?if he enchant give exp and so on both of them will be banned. In addition i didn't forbid the gm to trade with other player because for example at events gms must trade players to give them the reward they will be both get banned and that's unfair. That's my work dude.... it's not my fault if someone added with his own way at a god damned pack.. A true and trusted gm will never EVER touch the player's exp/sp.... @I can sure you that this is not shared bcz i used the button "search" and i found nothing...
  12. Hello maxcheaters ;) Here's my second post let's hope it will be usefull. So here we go..... Tested at L2J pack and it's totally working.... Client: Interlude You must add this at Olympiad.java which is located at trunk/L2J_Gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/Olympiad.java OR just download the file by here: http://www.4shared.com/account/file/144061064/d5506fe0/Olympiad.html Credits:Shikiero (ME) HF :D :D
  13. Hello all.... it's my 1st post over here so i was thinking to make it special ;D So here is a piece of code from me for the GM who corrupts...(corrupt=give items/enchant/level/etc to normal player) So here we go! This code is for L2J tested and working on my pack. Chronicle: Interlude First you go here: trunk/L2J_Gameserver/java/config/options.properties and you add this: OR FALSE Secondly, you go here: trunk/L2J_Gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java and you add this: OR FALSE AS I SAID And at the end you add these: And These: Credits:Shikiero (ME)
  14. new and 54 posts?anyway /welcome to our forum
  15. You don't need to know.... ;)
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