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About L2Orc

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  1. UP 3 days to start Active Members:603 forum
  2. 6 day to start ps(lf clan/const)
  3. the right side of the center is Quick Start our updater and click en language.
  4. Chronicles: Goddess of Destruction Rates: x5000 and new x50 Rep. epic on Ofu. Gmshop armor / weapon up to R99 Normal. Maximum PvP - at least pharma. SA for Adena. Safe enchant 3/4 The maximum enchant 20 autolearning skills to Rebirth. No sub quests Noblesse quest Respawn RB how off servers. ~ 30 buff slots Automatic opening event each day. Game currency (two), with which you can donate to buy things. Off-trade - allows you to trade off with the PC Autolut - automatic selection of items (can be disabled) Blocking of experience - the ability to block the learning experience Bonuses are a great clan. We have good old team, so we will all defects corrected very quickly. Although critical bugs we have left. Geodata full copy off server. The implementation of four professions (rebirth), and her quest The implementation of a commission on trade Goddess of Destruction Full implementation of the clan system, clan system of mentoring and skills on the Goddess of Destruction Implementation of all skill fourth profession and to improve skills on the Goddess of Destruction The implementation of all weapons, armor sets and bonuses for Goddess of Destruction Implementation of the Great Olympics Goddess of Destruction Full implementation of Summoner skills Veno (fully workable system of calling several summons) and the Wizard of Feo (fullY working system of natural abilities) Forts and castles on the Goddess of Destruction Full implementation of the system's reputation for Goddess of Destruction Correction and addition to the majority of quests Goddess of Destruction Implemented all hunting zones Dual working class. Implemented the settlement of all locations on the Goddess of Destruction Implemented instant zone of Goddess of Destruction Fully implemented legendary (Epic) jewelry Implemented PvP Community Board (alt + b): GM - Shop, teleportation, GM-Buffer, Career Epic RB added drop game currency. A lot of minor changes to Goddess of Destruction Why are we? 1) Responsive Administration worked together for over 5 years. Ask a question in the forum . http://onpulse.ru/index.php?lang=en http://forum.onpulse.ru/
  5. yep on big fail donate donate donate server ;/
  6. 1,5h to start
  7. up;p
  8. The opening time will be between 18.00 - 21.00 GMT+2 yea...
  9. English Path --- http://www.4shared.com/file/aOujBdPS/system.html
  10. (Beta test) Website--- http://la2millenium.ru/ Forum--- http://forum.la2millenium.ru/ Download--- http://la2millenium.ru/index.php?f=download Register--- http://la2millenium.ru/index.php?f=register English Path ---- http://www.4shared.com/file/aOujBdPS/system.html Rates Server: x100 exp, x100 SP, Adena x75, x25 Item drop, spoil x15, x15 quest drop (not for all quests), quest reward x15, x10 raidboss drop, drop an epic jew x1 GmShop with things for Aden: - Includes four occupation and skills of these: - Implemented epic bosses and Orbis Aktabis; - Maximum grinding 20 - implemented all new locations God, such as colony Fay, Garden of Genesis, Garden of Genesis, Dark Prison Exiles , Magmeld, Orbis Hall, etc. - is fully implemented the entire chain of Epic Quests - complete works of Fantasy Island, namely: Krateis Cube, Handy Block Checker, Underground Arena; - auto learning skills - A new quest for nobility - maximum realization of the basic dostointsv chronicles Goddes Of Destruction, such as a new recommendation system, the new system atributatsii weapons and armor, new skills, new social activities and much more - monsters of "champions" of two types - pretty big opportunities in online services GmShop ( from a change of name of the character, before the separation of the subclass to another character) - is a completely new stuff that appeared in the chronicles of the Goddess of Destruction; - support for high-available online, thanks to the wide channel and the power equipment; - off-line trading - a fully functional Seed of Infinity, with all its stages - a fully functional Seed of Destruction; - implemented all new locations High Five; - fully working forts and castles - all working sharpening skills - fully working skills, as configured by the server off, with installed by passing the skills on off version - Rates unique server so that you get maximum enjoyment from the game - a unique automatic opening event (Last Hero, TvT, CtF) - a unique opening event of our administration or GM; - constant innovation and improvement. Join now beta test +100 online.........
  11. Fix reversion to the attack (corrected) Rollback Fix for attack "Attack" Cooldown cleaning of debris. Fix the attack Completely rewritten packet attacks. All effects. Posted library. led to a clean and convenient option. kosyachok About daa) dodrachil MultiSellList package? =) Grade R Fix arrows / bolts are used now with weapons Grade R Posted by: jewelry / bracelets / belts / shirts R/R95/R99 Grade as new ... added in the new administration mn lokam Rome, you forgot to add) Added new weapons and new billboards R R99, R95, R99 + add them to the administration of ... All: ItemMall Auto use nipple and delight grd R Package 3 toolbar skills fully functional. It remains to call it ... The new packages EWR, RAS, BEWR, BEAR, SoSR, SPSR, BSpSR Attributes All Colors New! Bottle 32 316 itemov - Every Home for GoD + Changed starting zone Tolging Added spawn new Islend Removed ... Again, the coding! = ( FIX: Attack the Record Fix: .. Fix sheet 392 minutes ability to attack ability Correction ... Fix: SkillList FIX: Commerce Fix: Pet Inventory Fix: Warehouse # 2 ! Preparing to jump ! Shows goal buffs RequestActionUse corrected? Oh encoding pancake)) Fix: Warehouse? lvl 99 and 100% Fix: ExTacticalSign? ID 4.1 FIX: Attack Fix: MagicSkillLaunched, MagicSkillUse? (Skills are displayed, but when it launched ... Fix:? StatusUpdate (x denotes a crowd and a player Regal x) FIX: Commercial packages of sale / purchase of Fix: buy / sell / return / set the warehouse Fix: Inventory Added packages for the creation of Altered protocols for the client to change the copyright Link ----- http://www.mediafire.com/?k1l29wkgy2yzj0x Backup ----- http://www.mediafire.com/?497a35ixq27o2a7
  12. nice
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