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Everything posted by Hazel

  1. hahah ;D --- Great design :)
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/?9c3p6cuwjevdtbm here is cracked new version without backdoor. (By simple)
  3. lol I say that http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208007.0 this new version is better then this one. Backdoor have this version to. Anyway Backdoor can be fixed. Ofc. its better to buy files from kation, and not use cracked. But if somone dont have money... ** You are wrong. I know what is flame...
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=208007.0 here is much better version xP
  5. Hazel


    Read ruls ;) Give me a proof that i scamm somone. Here is about karma: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61847.0
  6. Hazel


    shut up, finally. plox
  7. Hazel


    ohh if i had a lot of free time i would find more you'r flame. Anyway you changing topic subject xP
  8. Hazel


    Pierdolcie się koty ;D Zamknąć ten temat w pizdu. I zbanować tego zjeba.
  9. Hazel


  10. Hazel


    ohh now you are liar too :)
  11. Hazel


    Simmo so only i flame ? I flame you becose i think only that's is good words to talk with you. If you are not warned banned or dekarmed i can do what ever i want too ? Just lock it.
  12. Hazel


    gtfo and take care of you'r business.
  13. Hazel


    Who say that he scam me ?
  14. Hazel


    I reported you 99 time's.
  15. Hazel


    Again. proof retard.
  16. Hazel


    I allway's report.
  17. Hazel


    I still dont see any proof's. PPL was know what they buy. Files was't shared, only dll's. NOT PACK. Stop cry like bitch. Anyway it was more then year ego. Why no one report me that im scammer ? why no one show any proofs ?
  18. Hazel


    ED - Mod should't dekarma or again warn member if he call somone scammer, with out proofs ? I read ruls. So why you wont do anything ? Now everyone think that im scammer.
  19. Hazel


    3/4 ? Nerd you and anarchy. Nerd(endart) becose he stole me my files that i boughet and i share them. So now im his big enemy. You and anarchy ? dont know why, jealous ? and give me proofs too :)
  20. Hazel


    http://depositfiles.com/en/files/zf0z9qb2k this one ? Sorry but i think this is only dll's not pack.
  21. Hazel


    I'm not going to explain the retard and his friend who is MOD here. I dont have time for kids. I didnt sell shared files. I share it much later. When i didnt have more client's. Topic with my sale: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=153205.msg1214667#msg1214667 Topic with my shared files: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133744.0 Just look at date (Finit can not count), and close all my report topic. And i can't Explaining to. When i stoped sell's pack. I share it. Look at comment's. And pull the conclusions. Simmo and his friend retaded as hell. They hate me so they think that im scammer. but dont care. Im not scammer. Thank you. Goodbye.
  22. 10 euro for 10 euro. Pm me fast !! If you are trusted, i can send first. tylkoty@yahoo.pl
  23. Closed. Thank you ;)
  24. I'm not going to explain the retard and his friend who is MOD here. I dont have time for kids. I didnt sell shared files. I share it much later. When i didnt have more client's. Topic with my sale: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=153205.msg1214667#msg1214667 Topic with my shared files: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133744.0 Just look at date (Finit can not count), and close all my report topic. And i can't Explaining to. When i stoped sell's pack. I share it. Look at comment's. And pull the conclusions. Simmo and his friend retaded as hell. They hate me so they think that im scammer. but dont care. Im not scammer. Thank you. Goodbye.
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