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Everything posted by Hazel

  1. Bump. Who will give more then 30 euro ? ;P
  2. Trusted person :)
  3. Mirror 1 https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4JBpGe5oB3DMDljYzM1MmMtOGNhYy00YzY2LTlmZmYtOWY1ZjhmNzdlNzQy
  4. Nope. Dont wanna see next fail server. If you wanna make l2off server use fred files or kation in otherwise dont use any because you will just lose you'r time.
  5. You will post this question on every topic with l2off files ? -,- Download, check, decide... Nobody will take you by the hand and show you everything. Anyway if you want create l2off server with free files. Just leave l2off section. Because you are next kid who want make shity server that will fail before it start.
  6. You should post it here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=59.0
  7. No. btw: This topic have 2years...
  8. Bump. New price: 55 euro. It's really low price for this acc.
  9. 50kk Adena : 0,5 euro = 25 euro. Pa for 1 month = 10 euro 60 euro - 35 = 25 euro. Come on. 25 euro for character on 86 lvl + great items.
  10. Best offer till now is 70 euro for ISS. Someone will give more ?
  11. Othell Rogue 86 lvl 70% Immortal Light. Set Ring ToI TTS/Immortal Jew Draco set PA for 1 month Apocalipse dual dagger +40 wind 1 color name Agathion Pack Some pets on 80lvl+ 50kk adena Zaken's Spirit Swords for 7 days Price: Allready Sold. Accept only paypal. msn: tylkoty@yahoo.pl
  12. Trusted seller.
  13. Trusted. Thank you for Acc :)
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