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Everything posted by millers

  1. no :D but i can learn .. oh and rozdex i soo that u was requesting one time the same and one guy gived u the files ;) can u explain me how to import it in my server? .. i realy need it !!
  2. Hi dos someone know where to get l2jserver rebirth manager for Interlude ? i tried to search but only what i found was some rebirth managers for l2jfree ;(( . Soory for my bad English ...
  3. Nice translate from GR Ty I Was looking for this one ;) ..
  4. google translate soory if u still dont understand .. ;(( Hello. I want to create a special multisell system through which it would be possible to improve the weapons or armor. This system have noticed l2euroworld server it is working here as follows: Example: if your bag is stationary shell or a weapon that is capable of improving the multi-store sell icon appears and it is possible improve this weapon, but if your bag does not have any items which are likely to improve the multi-store sell Icon does not appear .. So if my bag has a weapon with the opportunity to improve multisell icon shows But if I nau multisell not show a weapon of any icon ..
  5. huh how to explain better .. oke i want to make the system to upgrade the items .. for example standart item is 0% if i go to the multi sell and i have like ring of baium 0% in the multi sell shop its offer me to upgrade the wapon to 5% but if u dont have that ring in your inventory or with you the icon in the multi sell shop don't show .. it's like in thous pictures in 1.st picture in my inventory i dont have the necklace but in 2. picture i have the necklace with me in my inventory and it's offer me some option what i can do with that necklace.. if inventory = necklace show Icon.. Else if invetory don't have necklace don't show Icon.. soory for my bad English realy... ;(
  6. Hello i would like to now how can i make my exchange shop in different why.. for example lets take l2euroworld server they have mantra manager and there is one option refining and i would now how can i make that option like if i have in my inventory some item like saint spear or arcana mace then its only offer some things like add the sa or something else oke here are some screen for explain .. There is no item in my inventory for offer.. in my inventory i have this necklace.. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4773/shot00000x.png[/img] have some idea how i can make it working ? translate by google.. Hello. I want to create a special multisell system through which it would be possible to improve the weapons or armor. This system have noticed l2euroworld server it is working here as follows: Example: if your bag is stationary shell or a weapon that is capable of improving the multi-store sell icon appears and it is possible improve this weapon, but if your bag does not have any items which are likely to improve the multi-store sell Icon does not appear .. So if my bag has a weapon with the opportunity to improve multisell icon shows But if I nau multisell not show a weapon of any icon ..
  7. i have all that done but there is that problem the icon is not showing ;((
  8. Hi guys can someone make the guide how to edit item with special stats + showing Icon in passive skills .. or its to hard ?
  9. ok sorry my bad i posted my robe line :P with all that line is fine its just i am thinking and i don't get here is the prob ;( this problem is with lot of the items for example i downloaded for maxcheaters the apella armors for IL i add them in the server all is working fine except the stats ;(( i don't know where is that problem .. ;( also i downloaded l2gold yewels also all look fine the icon and other things but the stats is not working ;( EDIT:: oke now stats are giving but what i should do to see the icon with stats in passive skills ?
  10. Hi i have problem i edited my armors i add the lines to gameserver\data\stats\armor then i add the skill in C:\Server\gameserver\data\stats\skills <skill id="9936" levels="1" name="Dynasty Light Armor Set"> <set name="power" val="0.0"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <for> <add order="0x40" stat="WIT" val="2"/> <add order="0x40" stat="INT" val="2"/> <add order="0x40" stat="MEN" val="-1"/> <add order="0x40" stat="" val="7" /> <add val='1000' order='0x40' stat='maxHp'/> <mul val='1.15' order='0x30' stat='mAtkSpd'/> <mul val='1.17' order='0x40' stat='mAtk'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x10' stat='pstunVuln'/> <mul val='0.50' order='0x10' stat='cancel'/> </for> Then i add this line in skillgrp.dat 9936 1 2 0 -1 0 0.000000 0 icon.armor_t1006_u_i00 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 the i add this line in my armorsets SQL 107 9425 9428 9429 9430 9431 9936 0 0 0 ofc i add some line in itemname-e.dat now i start my client and its not working in my gameserver its showing Inventory.armorSetListener: incorrect skill: 9936. not i have question where is the problem i think all is fine all is working ;(( but its seems not for me !! is there are some guild for that kind of work ?
  11. Can someone tell me is that possible to add passive skill to armor or weapon for example nobles to weapon or dual mastery for h armor something like that if its possible can someone post the code Please..
  12. it's not client side its gamserver file .... Here are example of skills.DTD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- L2J XML skills DTD This defines a simple and consistent way of creating a namespace of skills objects, managed by L2J Each "item" element in this document defines a skill. XML documents that conform to this DTD should declare the following doctype: <!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "skills.dtd"> --> <!-- The document root. A document can contain item definitions only. --> <!ELEMENT list (skill)*> <!-- The document item. add, sub, div and mul can modify a stat set set some values cond specified a condition of use enchant1 define enchantement of skill enchant2 define enchantement of skill --> <!ELEMENT skill (for|add|sub|div|mul|set|table|cond|enchant1|enchant2)*> <!-- The document for. A item can contain "add,mull,sub and div" element --> <!ELEMENT for (effect|add|sub|div|mul|cond|using)*> <!-- this operations could specified a condition (using a specific weapon) --> <!ELEMENT add (using|and|player)*> <!ELEMENT div (using|and)*> <!ELEMENT sub (using|and)*> <!ELEMENT mul (using|and)*> <!ELEMENT cond (using|player|game)*> <!ELEMENT and (using|not|player)*> <!ELEMENT not (using|player)*> <!ELEMENT set EMPTY> <!ELEMENT player EMPTY> <!ELEMENT target EMPTY> <!ELEMENT game EMPTY> <!-- table store values --> <!ELEMENT table (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT effect (mul|add|div|sub|set|target|using)*> <!ELEMENT using EMPTY> <!ELEMENT enchant1 EMPTY> <!ELEMENT enchant2 EMPTY> <!-- id and name are mandatory for an item --> <!ATTLIST skill id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST skill levels CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST skill name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST skill enchantLevels1 CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST skill enchantLevels2 CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST table name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- all operations must specified val order and stat Setters could set a bunch of value with specific name. --> <!ATTLIST set name ( weaponsAllowed|mpInitialConsume|save|magicLvl|target|hitTime| mpConsume|power|buffDuration|conditionValue|condition|critical|negatePower| negateStats|isPotion| displayId| isSuicideAttack|stat|bleedEffectPower|abnormal_type| num_charges|charge_skill_id|itemConsumeId|itemConsumeCount|skillRadius| expPenalty|npcId|isCubic|lvlDepend|ignoreShld|effectType|effectPower| absorbPart|absorbAbs|element|hpConsume| itemConsumeCountOT|itemConsumeTime|itemConsumeIdOT| offensive|iKill|iRate|canLearn| need_item_id|need_item_count|create_item_id|create_item_count|random_count| skill_landing_percent| minPledgeClass|skill_class| overHit|reuseDelay|skillTime|skillType|operateType| castRange|effectRange|isMagic ) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST set val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST set order CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST set stat CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST add val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST add order CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST add stat CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST div val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST div order CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST div stat CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST sub val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST sub order CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST sub stat CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST effect count CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST effect name CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST effect val CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST effect time CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST effect stackOrder CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST effect stackType CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST effect abnormal CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST mul val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST mul order CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST mul stat ( stunRes|earthRes|sleepRes|fireRes|rootRes|windRes|waterRes|bowWpnRes| maxMp|maxLoad|maxCp|maxHp| regMp|regHp|regCp| gainHp|reflectDam| atkReuse|mReuse| pAtkRange| breath| rExp|rEvas|rShld|rCrit|MpConsumeRate|mpConsumeRate|mCritRate| mAtk|mAtkSpd|runSpd|mDef|pAtk|cAtk|pDef|sDef|accCombat| pAtk-dragons|pAtk-plants|pAtkSpd|pAtk-animals|pAtk-insects|pAtk-undead|pAtk-monsters| pDef-valakas|pAtk-valakas ) #REQUIRED> <!-- the use of an item could be specified for a kind of item or a dependency with another item --> <!ATTLIST using kind CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST using skill CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST target kind CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- msg gives the error message if condition (using) is not valid --> <!ATTLIST cond msg CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST enchant1 name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST enchant1 val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST enchant2 name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST enchant2 val CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST game time CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST game chance CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player hp CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player resting (true|false) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player running (true|false) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player state CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player flying (true|false) #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player seed_various CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player seed_fire CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player seed_water CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST player seed_wind CDATA #IMPLIED> Ho Moved it ? its not client request it's not client file it's not client problem .... its Armors.DTD not .dat Omg..
  13. ok i will explain correctly :P i downloaded server files from l2server.com then i wanted to add the dynasty armors in my server . but when i run my gameserver there showing an error something wrong with data/stats/armor/example.xml and in that .xml file are 1 line <!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "armors.dtd"> And that FILE armors.dtd i don't have that why i'm asking for your help because i need that file without that file my armors will not work .. and i don't know where to get that file i tried to search but nothing .. ;(( and yes that i have missing file in my armor folder calling armors.dtd
  14. what to explain :P .. yes i dont have armor.dtd not armor.dat thouse files ar missing im my gameserver/data/stats/armor not in my system folder ..:P
  15. HI. i have problem i don't have armor.dtd and weapon.dtd files can someone upload them please .. or someone have already some link or something like that .. its just really important .. Please Someone ..
  16. Hello .. maybe someone know some server where is good rates drop and xp there is titanium(apella) armors And Dusk Weps with nice looking DreadBane .. im looking for some copy of l2euroworld but its seems no one have that ;( maybe some one of u know the adress ...
  17. hi guys i have error when im starting my gameserver it looks like this .. Where is problem ? im new one in this things :P .. soory for my bad english ;)
  18. this server is working right now ?
  19. ok man it's not funny any more .. we been waiting a long time but no answer ;( .
  20. yes it's off it wil be up after 2-3 days.. i hope :D
  21. :D .. oh yes but whis one will be IL :P some off the things i dont like but i can live with that :D !!
  22. ok only when it will be up ? can u do it faster becouse i want to playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  23. hey man why u are not keeping it up ? i have some friends ho are looking for that kind of server becouse we love euroworld but we want to find some other that kind of copy of server but where are much faster leveling and get custom items much easier that why man keep it up please and dont shut it down ..
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