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Everything posted by MattoniCZ

  1. Yes thats really bad for me mate.. -1 karma leas he de-respected me too .. thx
  2. LOL ! i doing my best you morron look at other topics or even posts here its all spam even your is spam ! tell what ETC was wrong here ?! stop licking admin´s ass. you want -1 karma for what for broken links !?!?! i explained all werry well ! so GO FUCK YOURSELF now.. okay so if this doesnt work how they can have so much AA ?! .. its impossible to get can i use platinum coin bug ? .. or etc ? O__o
  3. if they doesnt work i will repair em today and upload again :)
  4. Hello.. can someone help me please ?:.. i setup it all correctly.. i see my name in Phx and i need SPAWN item : Ancient adena and Adena.. all working on server where iam playing i doing something wrong for 100%.. ok my problem is : when i drop adena to floor ill find packet.. when i copy that packet and thx this guide i change from 1 to 5 (count of dropped item) and send to server = disconect on this server cheats working for 100% ! there is really hard to get Ancient Adena.. and S grade SA cost 200 kk AA epic weapon cost 50 kk AA and there are players who get SA and Epic weaps.. its really hard and it cannot be obtained by normal way !!! here is proof of working phx or any other cheat on this server.. and look to chat window.. he was screaming and spamming no chat ban ! hxxp://www.punkrocker.xf.cz/proof.JPG on second picture is my char logged in game and working phx hxxp://www.punkrocker.xf.cz/all%20working.JPG on third picture is droped adena.. you can see in chat that i picked it up.. hxxp://www.punkrocker.xf.cz/drop%20adena.JPG on the last picture you can see that when i want send to server .. it does DELETE CHAR.. but who want to delete a char omfg ! i want adena.. when i send to client... its really drop adena on floor .. but i cant : pick and when i make more weapons i cant use em, trade em or smthing other ! Quote hxxp://www.punkrocker.xf.cz/packet%20send.JPG - so : cheats are working on this server, but i doing something wrong.. i saw in packet log how some player was SPAWNING items.. how i can SPAWN items instead of DROP item ?! ps : when i send that packet to server i get DISCONECT.. and that player NeToO on first picture is Brazilian cheater.. in theyir clan have ppls Epic weapons and plus 10 weapons plus focus and etc.. ps: in hxxp chante X to T btw i trying to learn in phx as fast as i can ! we have bad vendor on server.. so i cant make ++++ items ( i cant buy more than 1 item (quantity)) so i need something for dupe Adena and Ancient Adena.. RB jewels will be great too :) so THX for all.. yes and we have platinum coins on server.. so if someone can hint me how to dupe em (1 platinum c. = 1 kkk A) thx all
  5. Hello i just want know if somebody remember this server where i started with lineage 2 .. it was great server without any lag.. awesome for play.. his name was Dark Thorns.. so iam waiting for your memories :)
  6. omfg ! panic from dragon network... dragon server :( .. sniff sniff.. its so long time :O i remember that C2-C3 times
  7. soorry for stupid questions : my question moved by myself to help forum :) .. btw good program.. i learning to work in it but not fast :)
  8. great guide big thx !
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