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About raizenpk

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  • Location
    Brasov, Romania
  • Interests
    Ana Belial.

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Thanks a lot.. nice share.. hope they work.
  2. Downloading... very very nice weapon set ! Thank you !
  3. Thank you. Much like Epic Wings... but they're fine.
  4. I don't really like it. It looks kinda lame. But thanks anyway :)
  5. Too bad is only C5. Can you make it for CT2.3 ?
  6. Thanks. This is a very good example on how to make a walking npc. Thanks again - tested and works.
  7. Thanks. This is going to help me create my RP server.
  8. Thanks a lot. I was looking for it.
  9. Thanks, it works for meh ^^
  10. Vista Ultimate. Why ? Don't know. Tried Xp, Vista and 7.. and Vista is still the best. I'm waiting for Win7 full version [not beta] and Windows 8. [Dx 11 FTW]
  11. I think this is the pr0est pr0 guide on how to be a pr0. After i red this, it was clear for me that you're a pr0 yourself. Congrats ! -- Damn dude, this was very funny =))
  12. Searched for CT2.3 version.. and no luck. If i'd knew how to make them for CT2.3 i'd do it.. but i don't. Please, CE, can you help us ?
  13. Hi guys, i'm new here. I've just entered the world of L2J, and i hope this awesome community will help me a lot (well, it already did, but.. i want more help =) ) C'ya guyz !
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