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Everything posted by Devil22

  1. what is this eh? make a diff. anyway thanks.
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  10. They are more than 50 i got much pvps today.
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  12. Το Αγαπημενο μου τραγουδι ειναι το Dirty Diana του Μαικλ Τζακσον. και πολλα αλλα! Ποιο ειναι το αγαπημενο τραγουδι σου? Και γιατι? [move] Devil22[/move]
  13. Server is online.
  14. good Share! The Weapons is Amazing! Keep Sharing
  15. den exei kai toso sxesi me ti eine re kanena help? ;D ;D
  16. Dn eine preconfigured..pernw & dinw source.
  17. afou dn anigi katholou to vgazi prin aniksi.Trexo l2jarchid Il.
  18. den to vriskw auto eine to thema.
  19. h db ftei to xa ksanapathi alla tote eixa perasi olokliri db tora apla thelo na to liso pos ginete?
  20. Gia sas exw ena provlima sto gameserver mou to opio prospatho na to kanw edw kai 20 lepta kai dn ginete tpt exw kani npc sql,spawnlist,custom_spawnlist,skill_learn sql execute cleaned kai pali mou to vgazi ti ftei to error eine: WARNING NPC 35372 Class NOT FOUND java.lang.NullPointerException help an mpori kapios:D
  21. 3137
  22. ports proto 80 2o 2106 3o 7777 ta alla dn ta xriazese petata kai kane disable firewall,spi.
  23. Devil22


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