40 indiana jones
79 michael jordan
61 noe
41 elvis
27 marg. thacher
57 mao
37 elisabeth queen
68 gandi
103 arafat
66 merilin monroe
59 che gue vara
22 kassius klei
5 pele
18 bill klinton
47 mozart
75 pavaroti
83 carole of britain
90 mother tereza
85 nelson mantela
77 George bush
80 silvio berluskoni (not sure)
50 steve spielberg (not 52 ;))
11 stalin
7 jacki tsan (not sure again)
1 bill gates (not sure)
62 fidel casto
68 chrisna
55 alexander the Great
25 aristotelis onasis
48 thomas edison
97 August Cheasar
All pwned i think
btw...my mom who is a historian helped me :P
Pwned or???