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    Gamers never die,they just respawn!

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. e nai 8ema tixis einai,gia ta kala skill einai giro sto 15% kai genika to kedriko 8ema tou topic einai ta augment kai oi sizitisis p kanoume giro apo afto...
  2. se opoion psaxni kalo c6 server prosfata anixtos kai balance chars L2 ByPass ( kai min krinete apo to onoma :P)
  3. edo otan bgenoun maps poloi apo tous pextes kseneronoun gia polous logous alla ok, perase opos eipes :P
  4. egw tpt prosopiko apla sizitiete poli sto net pou doulevw kai exw arxisi na anisixo, e8ismenoi tou dota eno8ite gia Heroes of newerth :P btw kenji me prolaves ;d ena copy paste tou dota me kalitera grafika :D
  5. Btw,mipos exei peksi kapoios (beta) h exei akousi kamia kritiki gia to Heroes of newerth?
  6. Poli xrisimo post,kirios gia new servers p ftiaxnoun costum gk ;) Thx for sharing kai kales diakopes :D
  7. e ntax dn mporis na tous sigrinis akrivos, o ka8enas einai kaliteros gia ena sigekrimeno logo kirios nai, to human race kai genika archer dagger kiriarxi se pvp servers alla afto dn simeni oti einai kai kalitero. Tora as riksoume mia matia sta vasika skills ton dagger ta opoia emfanistikan sto c4 : [ Human ] Focus Chance: anevazi to critical rate kai dini parapano success sta skills opos Deadly blow kai etc , Focus Power : anevazi tto crt dmg sta skills opos Deadly blow kai etc [ Elf ] Focus Chance: anevazi to critical rate kai dini parapano success sta skills opos Deadly blow kai etc Focus Death : katevazi to critical rate kai dini succes sta skills (dini kai dmg sta blows alla dn iparxi mesa stin perigrafi tou skill) [Dark-Elf] Focus Power : Focus Power : anevazi tto crt dmg sta skills opos Deadly blow kai etc Focus Death : katevazi to critical rate kai dini succes sta skills. Pera apo afta ta buff skills ta opoia apo prosopiki m gnomi pistevo oti ekann improve poli ta daggers (oxi oti dn itan fisika) apo ekei pera pera einai ta extra HP p exei o Human,to hex-power break tou dark elf. Episis o dark elf kai o elf ka8os dn exoun dash opos o human exoun to Blinding Blow: metrio dmg se sxesi me ta ipolipa blow kai kanei increase to speed, kati paromio me do dash dld + to dmg tou blow alla xriazete target ( player,npc,mob ) Afta prostoparon,ama exw ksexasti kati prostes8e to :F
  8. Ta augment pezoun pia kiriarxiko rolo stous l2 pvp servers kai oxi mono,opos 8a kserete oi poio poli apo esas pou pezete se l2j servers,(aneksartitou rate)kserete oti to augment einai poli ka8oristiko kirios stous paladin kai stous bishop px: o paladin psaxni 3 might "active,passive,duel might active" o bishop palei psaxni ena active skill apo mage opos ,hurricane,solar flare kai prominence (kirios ta 2 prota logo tou oti to prominence exei sxetika megalo reuse se sxesi meta alla 2) Thx gia to share tis list ;)
  9. Hallo everybody, As you can see my nick name is audio and i'm from greece, i was looking about a good forum to discuss about hacking tool,l2,css and etc, so i join MaxCheaters. I think i make the right move ;)
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