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Everything posted by eleospia

  1. Anoikse to txt arxeio,pata save us grapse to onoma kai bale sto telos to extension .sql Save kai ise ok
  2. se kanw add msn!
  3. Epishs ponyr1der mporeis na breis apo auto edw to link pou menei o allos bazontas thn IP tou..www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer Bale thn ip ekei sto keno..Oso gia tin athens pou bgazei pou aneferes parapanw auto nomizw briskoun tin internet company pou einai,oxi akribws to spiti...H etairia pou sou parexei internet tha ine stin athina..Aplo!
  4. sou proteinw na ksanakaneis setup apo thn arxh ton server sou!
  5. Pairneis to program FileEdit,prepei na to exeis fusika,tha sou xreiastei se polla shmeia ama kaneis/exeis server.. To anoigeis,Open and Decrypt,pigene sto system sou kai dialekse to servername-e..Ekei blepeis diafora names.. Bale to onoma pou thes sto 0 ama den exeis allous servers registered,ama exeis tha prepei na to baleis pio katw.. Paradeigma exeis 2 registered servers,tha baleis to name sto 1,dhladh sthn deuterh grammh ama ton ekanes register deuteron basika..Ama ton ekanes prwto allakse to 0..Meta save and encrypt,apothikeuse to sto system sou pali,antikatastash tha sou bgei mhnuma gia header 413 apla pata ok kai ise Done!
  6. ta anoiksa ta ports telika..Thanks all gia ta reply sas..Admin you can lock it ;)
  7. Re paides phga na kanw portforward apo portforward.com alla kollhsa meta to step pou kaneis Apply..Leei to choose a computer to forward ports to. This box contains a list of computer names that are visible on your network.. Select the application you created using the Game or Application drop down box. Then click Add to enable it. Pws ta kanw auta..Dn blepw kamia epilogh pou na leei device.. EDIT : Brhka to device alla thelw ligi boithia..Sta applications ekei den exei to l2..!Help
  8. Nai auto einai to sigouro..Aplws anarwtiomoun ama uparxei kapoio program/site pou mporeis na deis ti montelo einai to router sou..Thelei polu douleia auto Finito?
  9. Geia sas guys..Anarwtiomoun..Oloi kseroume oti prepei na anoiksoume ta ports gia na mpoune alloi ston server mas,giati den to periexei kaneis sto guide tou gia l2 server creation?Kai kati allo..Ama parw dedicated pws tha kanw portforward ama den kserw to montelo tou router tous..(Pou xreiazetai sto portforward.com)
  10. Thanks guys..To lathos itan to access level..Exw archid kai ebaza 100 anti 1..Thanks!
  11. Geia guys...Exw ena problem sto na ginw admin ston server pou eftiaksa..Den ekana compile me eclipse,aplws katebasa to datapack kai to gameserver tou l2jarchid..Ola kala anoikse o server,ekana login,paw na allaksw apo to characters sto navicat na to balw 100 to access level, allazw kai to access level apo accounts mipos ginetai tipota alla trixes...Epanerxetai pisw sto 0...Kamia idea?Thanks in advance!
  12. Well I offer I want a developer and i offer a gm place but why do u ask for money lol..I would give money for someone to create/make my l2j server,not to be a GM rofl...
  13. Geia se olous...Arxinaw ena kainourio l2 interlude server kai psaxnw developer..Fusika tha parei thesh GM.. Opoios nomizei oti kserei aptesta developing kai thelei na ginei gm/developer se interlude server as riksei ena pm..
  14. xaxaaxxaxa
  15. Re mages.Aplo einai,den pas goddard kai tetoies blakies.Aplws patas private store buy,pataei o allos panw sou pataei confirm bam ta pires ta items.
  16. nc.tha to dokimasw :D
  17. Opios thelei stratigikis game as pari age of empires 3
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