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About GhostBuster-*

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    Lineage,BodyBuilding,Pro Evolution,Supernatural

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  1. anyway let's see.
  2. everyone wants this for their projects.
  3. :)
  4. I just mentioned the reasons that server got empty in 2 days,i believe here won't exist such thing,anyway
  5. I don't think so too,i don't think in dat server op dona and corruptions will be in the level they are in every kid like server lol.
  6. personally i fucking hate all pvp colors :D i like normal nick or full reced or karma nick :D
  7. Don't add black color,you can't even normal target the player who has it,lol,
  8. That's fighting spirit xD
  9. Fine,let's wait and see if your words are true.
  10. let's see first if server will be on until someone reach 2k kills xD.you know what i mean,
  11. Great news "Baggos" hope you'll make the job done :) .
  12. Anyway old noblesse system is gonna make the difference for me.I like dat as fuck,noblesse system finally not with 20 vote coins and one click.That way worked very well on old pvp servers too where only items existed to s,other had to farm hard.
  13. I am welcomed in it before years dude.Just tried again before months and i am really disapoint for todays owners.
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